Questions to ask the new DST in Texas..


What did you do when your doctors would write tons of Nascobal according to the redemption reports but when it came time to see them on IMS you wouldn't get credit for it?

What would you tell your manager when you were questioned for not having enough scripts but when you showed him your redemption report you would have been 5 over plan?

Please share your wisdom and insight.. The field would appreciate it..

That is an easy one.. Don't you know that you get 1.4 scripts for every script which takes care of those lost redemptions? I mean you have to believe something like that although there is "0" data to back that up.

If your top writer sends everyone to a Walmart don't worry, just keep bringing Starbucks, figure out something to say each time and just remind them that Target is carrying NAS... Your numbers should pick right back up.. (at least through redemptions that is)..

These questions were easy I could have been a DST..

On a serious note. It is nice that they promoted from within. However, was the candidate that they chose the most qualified, the closest prox to the job (less relocation expenses), etc? Correct me if I am wrong but I heard the candidate that they chose only has a year of pharmaceutical experience with Strativa being his only? The management can decide who they want by all means but don't be surprised if top talent continues to be lost possible in that area with KR. Furthermore, management don't be surprised if the manager isn't taken with open arms by his employees either. I found the email that AD sent to be laughable in a way. It is nice that he had management experience in his previous jobs but it is troubling, if it is correct and I am not sure, that he only has a year under his belt for pharma? If I were a national trainer, a trainer at home office or anyone else that was being looked at for a while to be promoted than I would be pissed.

the territory was already in motion...he rode the coat tail of previous performers and thats how he did well...nonetheless produce expertise trumps pharma any day of the week so suck it up...

You just admitted yourself by saying that he was promoted because of his sales numbers (or because his numbers were being piggy backed off the last few reps that had that area) now you are saying because of his "produce" expertise I think you meant product expertise he was promoted because that trumps pharma experience anyday. Your a fuckin iddiot and my IQ was just lowered by reading and replying to your post.

All the entire sales force would agree (you could find out by doing another lame survey monkey) that a great manager isn't the greatest sales person but brings out the best in their people (unfortunately no one in Strativa's management can ever say that they were able to bring out the best in everyone)

"What qualities do you consider make a great manager?"
According to Strativa Management:
1. Anyone that can fool potential candidates in the interview process about how this job is difficult but very lucrative
2. Deflect questions regarding IMS data, redemption reports and home office
3. Provide inadequate communication lines, i.e. conference calls, voicemails, work withs, etc
4. Fire someone for unsatisfactory numbers (even though if this company would count redemptions that person may have a shot at being kept on)
5. Convince reps that each script is worth 1.2 to 1.4 but in reality that is bullshit
6. Use fear mongering to keep employees in check (wouldn't get that from my manager because I would have to turn in the audio of all of our field rides)

On a serious note. It is nice that they promoted from within. However, was the candidate that they chose the most qualified, the closest prox to the job (less relocation expenses), etc? Correct me if I am wrong but I heard the candidate that they chose only has a year of pharmaceutical experience with Strativa being his only? The management can decide who they want by all means but don't be surprised if top talent continues to be lost possible in that area with KR. Furthermore, management don't be surprised if the manager isn't taken with open arms by his employees either. I found the email that AD sent to be laughable in a way. It is nice that he had management experience in his previous jobs but it is troubling, if it is correct and I am not sure, that he only has a year under his belt for pharma? If I were a national trainer, a trainer at home office or anyone else that was being looked at for a while to be promoted than I would be pissed.

If KR leaves it will have nothing to do with who the manager is. But the question that remains is who do you think should have gotten the job? Pretty much everyone at Strativa is brand new to pharma. Not sure there was anyone else in the area that made sense. Just my opinion but I guess this is a much better decision than bringing in some douche from the outside. Only time will tell how this turns out but he seems to be a decent enough guy.