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Questions of Pension, Death Benefits while active employed.


I had a friend that died while actively employed. He was actually on a conference call and unexpectedly lost connection. The lost connection was because of a major deadly heart attack he had while on this call. Would his employee supplemental insurance coverage or what we currently have be Active in this situation ? We all want to take care of our family in bad situations.
Also there was confusion on his Pension. Since he had marked in the past a 50/50 distribution to him and his spouse, what happens ? It is said in this situation that Johnson & Johnson is keeping half of his Pension.
Do we have a designated HR Service that handles this, and is it a designated person each time you call in. I understand that you talk with someone differently each time a question comes up.
Can anyone help ?

If someone could fill me in as I’m trying to figure out what my next steps is with this skanki dry hole as I’m eather moving in or moving out for greener pastures.
I had a friend that died while actively employed. He was actually on a conference call and unexpectedly lost connection. The lost connection was because of a major deadly heart attack he had while on this call. Would his employee supplemental insurance coverage or what we currently have be Active in this situation ? We all want to take care of our family in bad situations.
Also there was confusion on his Pension. Since he had marked in the past a 50/50 distribution to him and his spouse, what happens ? It is said in this situation that Johnson & Johnson is keeping half of his Pension.
Do we have a designated HR Service that handles this, and is it a designated person each time you call in. I understand that you talk with someone differently each time a question comes up.
Can anyone help ?

I had a friend that died while actively employed. He was actually on a conference call and unexpectedly lost connection. The lost connection was because of a major deadly heart attack he had while on this call. Would his employee supplemental insurance coverage or what we currently have be Active in this situation ? We all want to take care of our family in bad situations.
Also there was confusion on his Pension. Since he had marked in the past a 50/50 distribution to him and his spouse, what happens ? It is said in this situation that Johnson & Johnson is keeping half of his Pension.
Do we have a designated HR Service that handles this, and is it a designated person each time you call in. I understand that you talk with someone differently each time a question comes up.
Can anyone help ?

The 50/50 choice means that the person chose to receive a lower monthly pension payout that will be paid out until both parties are deceased. I don't know the answer to when the pension will be available for payment.

When I retire, I will choose the 50/50 option with a lower monthly benefit to protect my spouse should I die first. This option insures that the spouse will receive income until they die. The higher payout options can result in the pension stopping when the retiree dies.

I can assure you she hopes you die first.
The 50/50 choice means that the person chose to receive a lower monthly pension payout that will be paid out until both parties are deceased. I don't know the answer to when the pension will be available for payment.

When I retire, I will choose the 50/50 option with a lower monthly benefit to protect my spouse should I die first. This option insures that the spouse will receive income until they die. The higher payout options can result in the pension stopping when the retiree dies.

Ok I’m trying to figure out how much pension money I can exspect from the widow when she dies first. 7
I had a friend that died while actively employed. He was actually on a conference call and unexpectedly lost connection. The lost connection was because of a major deadly heart attack he had while on this call. Would his employee supplemental insurance coverage or what we currently have be Active in this situation ? We all want to take care of our family in bad situations.
Also there was confusion on his Pension. Since he had marked in the past a 50/50 distribution to him and his spouse, what happens ? It is said in this situation that Johnson & Johnson is keeping half of his Pension.
Do we have a designated HR Service that handles this, and is it a designated person each time you call in. I understand that you talk with someone differently each time a question comes up.
Can anyone help ?