

I've never worked or interviewed for a contract job before. Do you meet with the local manager that the contract represents to get his/her approval? Example---If I applied for the Janssen contract job, would I have to get the approval of the Janssen manager in my local territory or just my Inventiv hiring manager? My next question is do the contract managers come from the local area in which they are going to manage? Thanks in advance for your answers.

I've never worked or interviewed for a contract job before. Do you meet with the local manager that the contract represents to get his/her approval? Example---If I applied for the Janssen contract job, would I have to get the approval of the Janssen manager in my local territory or just my Inventiv hiring manager? My next question is do the contract managers come from the local area in which they are going to manage? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Truthfully, it's no different than working for or interviewing than any other "permanent" pharma job. Let's face it, ALL of these pharma jobs are "contract" jobs - don't fool yourselves.

Depends on how the contract is set up. I was on a PSS contract, and you only met with an HR interview panel, then moved onto a meeting with the Hiring manager. I was on an inventive contract where you met with the hiring manager and 1 other manager from another district, then moved onto an interview with the regional manager from the contracted company for a thumbs up, thumbs down.
All contracts are structured differently.