I haven't heard of any P4 reps staying in current position. What amazes me if that Pfizer would spend a massive amount of money in hiring and training so many P4 reps as early as 6 months ago only to lay them off in June and again in Sept. Goes to show the massive scope of the earnings that can be made in a measly 6 months of field time, all the while those reps willing to take this job for those 6 months are thankful to have found something in the meantime, only to be put back in the situation they started. Goes to show the only one winning are the pharma companies. We have laws against monopolies in our country, seems like contracts are just another way for the big guys to come out on top and make money all the while the people actually doing the leg work and bringing in revenue get screwed. This industry should be regulated somehow and reps protected in some way.