Question about Vanos


I got some poison ivy or something on my legs and the Dermatologist prescribed Vanos. I also have an allergic type rash on part of my face that is unrelated to the poison ivy. She prescribed Protopic for that.

She was adamant that I am not to use the Vanos on my face to treat that rash. When the Protopic she prescribed for my face did not work, I went ahead and applied several light coatings of Vanos to my face anyway and it seems to have worked well. I was careful not to get it in my eyes, nose, mouth etc.

My question is this........why was she so adamant about not using Vanos on my face? What would typically go wrong as far as adverse events are concerned that would make her say not to use it there? I used it and it is working better than anything else I have tried. Why was she so concerned about makng sure I didnt use it on my face?

Any serious replies would be appreciated. I work in Pharma also in a non competitive field to yours. Thank you.

You should ALWAYS listen to your doctor. Side effects of topical steroids include atrophy, striae, and acne to name a few. Though it may work initially on your facial condition, these side effects are not with the risk.

Anyone care to post a comment on what Mike Pinto did to deserve dismissal from Medicis? I heard his other job ie., contracting for his Drs., came back to bite him in the ass.

Anyone care to post a comment on what Mike Pinto did to deserve dismissal from Medicis? I heard his other job ie., contracting for his Drs., came back to bite him in the ass.

didn't know he was let go. If anything, it probably has more to do with the three boys at the top of the food chain(jonah, MArk and jason) investigation into their practices brought on by Andrew HAll and Darlene...stock holders.hefy fines and sentences around th ebend for these bad boys. Probably all part of a huge cover up or CYA at this point. They will probably begin a new culture wherein they actually abide by the laws of the USA. Imagine that.
good luck mike.

What happened to pinto...

He got f-ed just like the others who have been screwed there! It just that simple. Medicis does not care about its is what they care about! And those individuals with power at Medicis will do anything for their own gain, without regard to who they step on. Some of those same people who at the top are two-timing Medicis behind the scenes. So watch your back yall, this is not the first time and won't be the last. Medicis is a house of cards ....... One has to wonder what will happen when the wind blows?

Re: What happened to pinto...

I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt temple down on their heads.... It's gonna be biblical......Clive Owen

Re: What happened to pinto...

I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt temple down on their heads.... It's gonna be biblical......Clive Owen

let us know when you do. I have a stack of off-label dvd's to add to the pile of evidence and the cast in the dvd's's all the top dogs getting injected. Dumb asses. It's bad enough that you would promote off-label injection techniques...but to star in your own corrupt movie?? why that's just jack-ass genius. may as well have just featured the Inspector General as co-star. Everybody must just have a heavy dose of migrated HA on the brain.