Qualifications for ABM


Must be willing to sacrifice the well being of spouse, kids, parents, and anyone else who loves you. Must be willing to destroy any rep that your superiors target. Must be willing to put aside all integrity and morals and ethics and character and sell should to company, which you hold as God. Must be sniveling and brown nosing and butt kissing, and not ashamed of it.
The line starts here. Oh, look how long it is. I'm just grateful not to be in it.

Who was the douchebag on the call that kept saying he wanted to be a Dm and a RBD? Seriously I had to cancel a lunch for this self promoting crap? What a bunch of classless kiss asses. Is this where we work now? Really?

Who was the douchebag on the call that kept saying he wanted to be a Dm and a RBD? Seriously I had to cancel a lunch for this self promoting crap? What a bunch of classless kiss asses. Is this where we work now? Really?

This place is a disaster. A sinking ship. They're doing everything they can to run off anybody with a brain and promoting ass kissing robots. Come on, who in their right mind would want to be a manager? Most of them got there because they got lucky to win a presidents club or two. Then they stand up at meetings and say things they think are really innovative and intelligent while all the reps puke in their mouths. Moles get rewarded with promotions and women with abm aspirations or who just want to stay home all day sleep with their managers. And they think they're rolling everybody else! IDIOTS!!!!

Who was the douchebag on the call that kept saying he wanted to be a Dm and a RBD? Seriously I had to cancel a lunch for this self promoting crap? What a bunch of classless kiss asses. Is this where we work now? Really?

That would be Rob Brussels who is looking for a promotion from sniveling rat role he has at present.

They're jealous cuz we make more money than they do. I don't care if mine messes with me. His cluelessness helped build my side business to be bigger than my pay here. And I'm not the only one.