Q1 numbers


Is Flemming blissfully ignorant of what's going on? There is a pandemic and a lockdown and we cannot sell to clinics ordered to shutdown by governments trying to save lives!
Kiss Q1 sales goodbye. Flemming YTA!!!

EMEAC here: Got a call this morning asking me how I was planning on making Q1 sales. Maybe someone should tell me how to sell to an office that’s been closed for the last 8 weeks and cannot see patients.

I do work for Flemming and I can tell you he isn’t just a nasty person who treats his employees appallingly, he carries out fireable offences on a daily basis and encourages people to do the same to reach the numbers. He should be fired and still hasn’t. There is so much evidence against him it’s mind blowing. Why is he still here?

While I am very grateful to still have a paycheck, my customers get very annoyed with all the digital engagements while they are scrambling to hold it together. The last thing they want is us bothering them in the middle of an international pandemic. I understand that Galderma is worried about sales targets, but we have to be realistic and sensitive to customers and employees.

This is a crisis and we didn't create it. There are people dying and many more in intensive care. There are more important things then sales numbers at the moment. All the extra pressure will achieve nothing. It just makes us look bad.

Veeva Engage will further alienate our customers. Galderma is desperate and at loss as to what to do. They want this virtual thing to work so bad in an attempt to deliver sales. Switzerland is having a hard time accepting Q1 is lost.