

I am plastic surgeon and am wondering how phase 3 is going for purtox?
Any timeline when it will be available? Your RD JW did not know much about
when it will br availablr. I am ready for an alternative to botox.


I am plastic surgeon, I am from planet zultor. First of all, please learn to form a sententence and secondly please learn how to spell. Nice try from the AGN folks but you will just have to wait. It looks promising but probably won't happen until 09'

Hey asswipe. I am a graduate of a top medical school. I can certainly spell but could care less about my typing errors on this web site. Once again, your arrogance is why I would not consider using your products. Go practice your
sales pitch.Purtox will never take off.

I am plastic surgeon and am wondering how phase 3 is going for purtox?
Any timeline when it will be available? Your RD JW did not know much about
when it will br availablr. I am ready for an alternative to botox.


You're no plastic surgeon.....just a wannabe Dr. Rey! You should be ashamed of lying about your profession on this site, just to make you feel better about your sorry ass life.

Reloxin will be here and always Merz type a which will be approved by 3rd quarter next year. Purtox will be the 4th neurotoxin available. Sorry, better stick to implants. Besides where is your HA Filler ? Last one in line gets the worst position.Enjoy paying royalties to allergan for patent use rights.

You are the loser ! I still make the Green $$$$

Reloxin will be here and always Merz type a which will be approved by 3rd quarter next year. Purtox will be the 4th neurotoxin available. Sorry, better stick to implants. Besides where is your HA Filler ? Last one in line gets the worst position.Enjoy paying royalties to allergan for patent use rights.

You are the loser ! I still make the Green $$$$

I agree. Mentor should stick with the one thing they actually know how to make....implants. They are spreading themselves too thin. Besides what you mentioned, don't forget NIA, their leap into the skin care market. It is the second-worse product out there....to Prevage!

I am plastic surgeon, I am from planet zultor. First of all, please learn to form a sententence and secondly please learn how to spell. Nice try from the AGN folks but you will just have to wait. It looks promising but probably won't happen until 09'

You're a real rocket scientist yourself asshole. Perhaps you should learn how to proof read.
"sententence" JERK OFF!