
Quite the opposite. We will instead be buying up all your local competition and combining them with your locations. We're gonna once again be the leader in the industry.

I own a DME company and as yet, Rotech hasn't come looking to buy.
But is there any way for me to buy a Rotech franchise?
I really want to be part of this fortune 500 company.

Quite the opposite. We will instead be buying up all your local competition and combining them with your locations. We're gonna once again be the leader in the industry.

That's great to hear. Of course, I'm not worried about my location being closed, but just concerned that if they closed one of the other locations in my area, then I would'nt have anywhere to borrow a pst.

I own a DME company and as yet, Rotech hasn't come looking to buy.
But is there any way for me to buy a Rotech franchise?
I really want to be part of this fortune 500 company.

We'll give you $5. That's $1.50 up front, and then an extra 0.75 cents every year thereafter....(but only if you reach certain revenue goals).
That's our normal protocol. But first we need to come in and rifle through your files.
Take it or leave it.

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