Purchase of Graceway

Galderma will be buying Graceway... Medicis is too distracted right now. Yet, another example of poor management by Senior Executives here at MRX.

We are dying on the vine and don't even realize it. Prygocki is a nice guy buy doesn't have what it takes.

So funny you at medicis think we want you to buy us. I'm happy raking in checks and biding my time while I wait for my recently purchased franchise opens. But I'd love the severance check. All of tge reps will be obsolete soon. I mean really none are any better than any others. It's all fueled by coverage and volume. Get a clue folks.

All 3 major Derm Companies are in the hunt for Graceway with the biggest obstical being patent life extended beyond the 3 years. The company willing to to roll the dice and place a bid with minimal contingency clauses will win the auction.