that say's it all. We don't want to be diagnostic reps anyway please severance us!
anonymous Guest anonymous   Aug 04, 2020 at 10:57: PM #1 anonymous Guest that say's it all. We don't want to be diagnostic reps anyway please severance us!
anonymous Guest anonymous   Aug 05, 2020 at 12:00: PM #2 anonymous Guest anonymous said: that say's it all. We don't want to be diagnostic reps anyway please severance us! Click to expand... Ok we are canceling you immediately. New contract does not pay severance FYI. Thank you! -Suresh
anonymous said: that say's it all. We don't want to be diagnostic reps anyway please severance us! Click to expand... Ok we are canceling you immediately. New contract does not pay severance FYI. Thank you! -Suresh
anonymous Guest anonymous   Aug 13, 2020 at 01:11: AM #4 anonymous Guest Things don't look good now amazing how it all changes in a matter of a week. Great we have more conference calls 9:30am EST. I'll be asleep as usual since I just got back from the bar
Things don't look good now amazing how it all changes in a matter of a week. Great we have more conference calls 9:30am EST. I'll be asleep as usual since I just got back from the bar