Pulse Survey


Take a hard look, Leadership! Once you get past all the fluff, what should keep you awake at night are the 2 questions that ask about having a clear understanding of how to grow a career at Alkermes and the number of employees who have sought employment outside of Alkermes in the last 3 months. 24% and 25%, reswpectively.

What a tremendous, transparent culture you have created here at Alkermes! You should be very proud!

Take a hard look, Leadership! Once you get past all the fluff, what should keep you awake at night are the 2 questions that ask about having a clear understanding of how to grow a career at Alkermes and the number of employees who have sought employment outside of Alkermes in the last 3 months. 24% and 25%, reswpectively.

What a tremendous, transparent culture you have created here at Alkermes! You should be very proud!

Interesting post. Judging by the hemorrhage across the sales force, leadership ousters and “retirements,” this place should be considered bush league at best.
Now let’s wait for the HR wonks to spin this. It’ll make for interesting reading, assuming anyone cares enough to take a look.

Interesting post. Judging by the hemorrhage across the sales force, leadership ousters and “retirements,” this place should be considered bush league at best.
Now let’s wait for the HR wonks tto spin this. It’ll make for interesting reading, assuming anyone cares enough to take a look.

Plus, how many more will jump ship to Braeburn now??? That place is a mess with no money but still better than here. Have my final interview (not Braeburn) next week. Can’t wait to leave. Corporate does not appreciate how hard we work and how difficult it truly is to sell in this market.

Plus, how many more will jump ship to Braeburn now??? That place is a mess with no money but still better than here. Have my final interview (not Braeburn) next week. Can’t wait to leave. Corporate does not appreciate how hard we work and how difficult it truly is to sell in this market.
But our Training Department is stellar, isn’t it? At least that’s all I’ve ever been told.

But he’s doing such a stellar job with those useless kams, lol. What a waste of resources.

Dipsh*ts....the whole lot of 'em. It start with Pops and rains down to down to Nichols, Apostol, Medwar (a waste of skin if there ever was one), Keck and the rest of Commercial Leadership. No wonder the rats are scurrying off the ship as fast as they are able!

Well, the news is leaking on who is leaving for Braeburn. Not surprisingly, some of our top people. The reasons they’re giving are similar: All love Vivitrol. Most are young with families and after hearing “we’re looking into buying something” for 7 years, no action and a shorter runway each day….they’re leaving for a future they don’t see here. Benefits are superior. Chance to advance has to be better because we keep going outside. Braeburn, like Indivior, will focus on criminal justice. We sailed that ship long ago and it was the dumbest decision ever made. Alkermes had plenty of chances to keep them. They took the approach “we want people who want to be here”. You’ll get them with your new hires who couldn’t carry the jock straps of those leaving if they tried. By the time the new hires catch on we will be going generic. I’m sad our leadership doesn’t respect the skill level they’re about to see go elsewhere. You will eventually. Watch their territories.

Well, the news is leaking on who is leaving for Braeburn. Not surprisingly, some of our top people. The reasons they’re giving are similar: All love Vivitrol. Most are young with families and after hearing “we’re looking into buying something” for 7 years, no action and a shorter runway each day….they’re leaving for a future they don’t see here. Benefits are superior. Chance to advance has to be better because we keep going outside. Braeburn, like Indivior, will focus on criminal justice. We sailed that ship long ago and it was the dumbest decision ever made. Alkermes had plenty of chances to keep them. They took the approach “we want people who want to be here”. You’ll get them with your new hires who couldn’t carry the jock straps of those leaving if they tried. By the time the new hires catch on we will be going generic. I’m sad our leadership doesn’t respect the skill level they’re about to see go elsewhere. You will eventually. Watch their territories.
100%! I'm tired of the constant sunshine being blown up my a** yet nothing ever happening. No promotion, no increased bonus payout and the worst of it is having to put up with the condescending second in command, KK. Keck needs to put her on a short leash. Or maybe lock her in a dungeon somewhere. Her attitude and constant eye-rolling are a huge part of what is driving people like me away from this place

Last two post are spot on. We are going to loose some great people….it’s sad because at one time I would walk through fire for Alkermes. But over the past 3/4 years it’s obvious they are milking the brand for every penny and don’t care about their people.

Last two post are spot on. We are going to loose some great people….it’s sad because at one time I would walk through fire for Alkermes. But over the past 3/4 years it’s obvious they are milking the brand for every penny and don’t care about their people.

We've been losing good people from across the organization for so long. Commercial Leadership, Trade, MMDs, KAMs, Training, Sales, etc.

This place has become SO disappointing on SO many levels.

We've been losing good people from across the organization for so long. Commercial Leadership, Trade, MMDs, KAMs, Training, Sales, etc.

This place has become SO disappointing on SO many levels.

Are there really any useful kams?? They all need to be let go. Useless position that continues to bring no added value and drain resources.