Pulse is slowing, breathing is becoming more labored, skin is cold to the touch


I think it's time to call in the priest for last rites. More layoffs this week. Not sure if the business is sustainable with this headcount and nearly no marketing, senior sales, or strategic account coverage.

The best mortician can make a dead body appear nearly life-like and we will need someone with that ability to try and trick someone into buying and ignore the death rattle.

There are only so many Gregs out there doing due diligence but lets hope lightening can strike a second time. son o maca say

Doesn't add up
2016 revenues are probably in the $7 to $8 million range. There's no way they can cut enough to even come close to that. Too much overhead. Too many executives. There is no way this company can continue to run as an independent entity. What baffles me is that the leadership doesn't seem to see it. It's OVER. I'm saying it and, more importantly, the market is saying it.

There is only one way out, and that's to sell the company now, before more cash is lost. The existing and future products might realistically be worth $8 to $10 million to a larger company. It's not going to be more than that. Stover and Heartland are going to have to accept the fact that we're looking at 50 to 65 cents a share plus whatever is coming from Publicis.

The alternative is zero. It's blindingly obvious, and the market has made very clear that IDXG can't be saved by Stover, by a new CEO, or by Jack Welch himself.

I have been posting on this board for years and have pointed out over and over the insanity that passed for decision making at PDII/IDXG. I advocated years ago that PDI dispose of its assets and return cash to shareholders. That was when they had $90 million in cash. It would have amounted to more than $10 a share. Instead the BOD let Dugan and then Lurker destroy all that value.

This is really Heartland's show now (assuming they still own the stock). Mr. Nasgovitz, sometimes you have to be an activist investor. Someone needs to pull the trigger and sell this company, and sell it fast.

Sonomaca I love reading your relentless yahoo message board posts. Pretty funny how you seem to be the only person posting there -- so, since few ever respond to your posts on Yahoo you come here? Ever wonder if you are the dumbest bagholder for sticking with this POS for so long?

Dicktard is a know nothing puffy blowhard that has driven the company past the point of no return. The best you can do Sonomaca is hope and pray that you never invest in a company that employs GR or you'll risk going through the wash and rinse cycle again.

Someone reposted my post here. Stover can fire anyone at any time, but GR is still there. That's Stover's call and no one else's.

Is Stover actually around the office. Has he "taken charge?"

Heartland Funds, through the "secret" agreement with PDI was allowed to rework management and the BOD as they saw fit. The got rid of NL and two other BOD members the day before the agreement expired. They put their trust in Stover (and Sullivan). They presumably chose the other two new BOD members, as well.

Redpath was presumably running just fine before the acquisition. There are people there who know how IDXG should be run, not least Ms. Ratnam. Is she still on the BOD? Maybe NewSpring will buy this back at $10 million. That would be a pretty good trade for them, assuming they believe they can right the ship.

OK - So will someone please explain to me why Greg Richards is still standing among the embers? Does he have blackmail fodder to protect himself? Its crazy that he is still there.
He has no understanding of our business model, does nothing to educate himself about the business, lies, misleads and forces bad decisions down peoples' throats.
The cut off the snake's head but they are letting her little baby wreck havoc!

I don't know why Stover has kept GR around. Perhaps it's only temporary. Interim CEO's don't usually make too many moves. Is GR still making decisions and issuing orders, or has he basically locked himself in his office?

I don't know why Stover has kept GR around. Perhaps it's only temporary. Interim CEO's don't usually make too many moves. Is GR still making decisions and issuing orders, or has he basically locked himself in his office?

Someone is giving Greg the authority to reduce staff..... why doesn't Stover get rid of him!!!!! He is toxic on his best day.

Sorry - I don't buy that explanation. Stover has no connection to anyone here. He still has managers and a few people in HR who can handle layoffs. Why would he care? There must be something more.....

If Stover isn't really managing things, then either:

1) he's got a new CEO coming soon
2) they are going to sell the company
3) they failed to achieve #1 or #2 and have given up trying

Maybe someone should ask him.

Why does everyone on here assume all will be a negative outcome? If we get a new CEO it could be great, if we sell the company it could be great. We have great products, Medicare reimbursement. That is half the battle. Our payouts have been promised. Don't complain until they break their promise. Yes, there have been bumps but that happens no matter where you work. We are rid of "big brother PDI". That should be celebrated.