Pulling the Wool Over Your Eyes

The conglomeration of connecting rods will certainly perpetuate a stall in the mega minded force's intentions. Being part of the worldwide scheme means the rods will end up corrupting all sanity. In this instance, connecting rods will be the procrastinating factor. Believe it.

lots of people said this months prior. Valeant is a fool for purchasing this debt ridden beast. WP got lucky to get out from under this dog and Warburg leaves making a reasonable return over 5 years. The streets valuation is accurate, wp made no where near a 300% return on their money. They got back about 100% of what they laid out, over 5 years is 20% annual.

Great return on billions, but not knocking it out of the park...and they got lucky to find a sucker to buy all that debt. you can bet valeant is going to slash payroll and marketing to generate short term return.

lots of people said this months prior. Valeant is a fool for purchasing this debt ridden beast. WP got lucky to get out from under this dog and Warburg leaves making a reasonable return over 5 years. The streets valuation is accurate, wp made no where near a 300% return on their money. They got back about 100% of what they laid out, over 5 years is 20% annual.

Great return on billions, but not knocking it out of the park...and they got lucky to find a sucker to buy all that debt. you can bet valeant is going to slash payroll and marketing to generate short term return.

A crappy company gets a crappy buyer. WP really overstaffed the place to make it look like something. It is what it is. An empty shell of overpaid under-performing workers. Cutting the staff will just make it a smaller bunch of overpaid underp-performing workers. Valeant will not be able to get people to work harder for less pay.