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Publicis is hiring right now for AZ's Dutoprol and Vimovo! Good ole' Cornerstone at work! How much longer before they are selling Seroquel XR?? Remember, it's Cornerstone as well!

The clock is ticking once again. If you are not ready this go round, you deserve what happens to you.


I get the strategy too but what I don't understand is how sales leadership allows this to continue. Once they have outsourced the sales force they have no teams to manage.

They have been selling it for a while now. I see a few bottles of Dutoprol and the shelves in a lot of offices. What a nightmare sell that must be; 2 drugs that are a combo of 2 generics. ugh. no thanks.

The people in charge lie to the Sales Management people just like they lie to the PSSs.

Ever heard something like this: We've got the best salesforce in the industry and this is a bump in the road. We'll come through this stronger and better than when we went in, because we've got the best products, the best people, and the best strategy. Rah! DSMs: You're going to have to let a few of your underperforming people go, and we'll make sure you pick the right ones, and they'll be better off for it.

They're saying to the RSDs: You've got some people who should have never been promoted or for whatever reason can't keep up. You're going to have to eliminate the non performers, and we'll work as a team and help you pick the right candidates.

To the ASDs: We've all got our ideas of what makes a good RSD and surely each of you would make some changes if you had your druthers. We'll help you make those once in a decade changes, now. We'll all be much better off for it.

To the VP sales: ....... more of the same shit.

The big cheeses have severance packages that will actually make a dent. The rest are chicken feed. For now. Once the patent expiries really kick in, the stock price will be cut in 1/2. Minimum.

Cornerstone is working it's magic! XR will go to Publicis too. It's just a matter of time. How in the hell is XR going to compete against a generic version of itself? CNS will have to be eliminated. It's only good business.

Cornerstone is working it's magic! XR will go to Publicis too. It's just a matter of time. How in the hell is XR going to compete against a generic version of itself? CNS will have to be eliminated. It's only good business.

When in the hell did Dutoprol get approved. Never heard of it. Can't believe that Publicis hasn't already got XR to sell. 5 more days to generic Seroquel.