PTSD the DP days


Was reading “Grit” by Angela Duckworth and she talks about the practice at Enron that has often been said to be its downfall called Rank and Yank. Where the bottom 10% of the sales force gets fired regardless of past performance during their time at the company. The practice lead their sales team to compromise their integrity in order to avoid being at the bottom. The people that didn’t play the game were out. Seems very similar to the style of a certain zone director. Do whatever it takes and don’t be at the bottom. I heard nothing has changed.

Was reading “Grit” by Angela Duckworth and she talks about the practice at Enron that has often been said to be its downfall called Rank and Yank. Where the bottom 10% of the sales force gets fired regardless of past performance during their time at the company. The practice lead their sales team to compromise their integrity in order to avoid being at the bottom. The people that didn’t play the game were out. Seems very similar to the style of a certain zone director. Do whatever it takes and don’t be at the bottom. I heard nothing has changed.

Was reading “Grit” by Angela Duckworth and she talks about the practice at Enron that has often been said to be its downfall called Rank and Yank. Where the bottom 10% of the sales force gets fired regardless of past performance during their time at the company. The practice lead their sales team to compromise their integrity in order to avoid being at the bottom. The people that didn’t play the game were out. Seems very similar to the style of a certain zone director. Do whatever it takes and don’t be at the bottom. I heard nothing has changed.
This mentality has been fostered and allowed to grow. Her minions have ruined this company. You literally have the DOJ investigating managers and representatives. But they don’t flinch. Full speed ahead. Arrogance and lack of a moral bedrock.

This mentality has been fostered and allowed to grow. Her minions have ruined this company. You literally have the DOJ investigating managers and representatives. But they don’t flinch. Full speed ahead. Arrogance and lack of a moral bedrock.
Ken Blanchard once spoke at a Novartis management meeting. He told us the way to be successful in this model is to make sure you hire at least 10% losers so that you never have to fire a good person. You can bet he was never invited back again

This mentality has been fostered and allowed to grow. Her minions have ruined this company. You literally have the DOJ investigating managers and representatives. But they don’t flinch. Full speed ahead. Arrogance and lack of a moral bedrock.

The amount of things that this company covers up is outrageous. People quietly let go after they’ve been promoted and praised for the “innovative” ways they have been able to get the business. Give me a freakin break please. Plus management doesn’t seem to be held responsible for their shady hires and their complete lack of knowledge of what goes on. If you are doing well just carry on, we don’t care how you’re doing it.