PTC Therapeutics


Oh PTC, you just inherited a hornets nest. You're in the spotlight! Even Sanders knows who you are! You have ONE chance to get this right!

You got a new, actually important drug, that can benefit a lot of patients!

Price it right! Don't be greedy!

Partner with the MD community!

Hire GOOD people! That means a sales team with neuromuscular experience! Don't just hire a pretty face, but get smart hard working people!

That means a field medical team with neuromuscular experience! Get True doctors on the field; don't be stupid by hiring pharmDs, that's ridiculous! You have a novel product for a complicated condition, get it right!

I got a feeling you'll screw up this launch by hiring subpar people to cut corners and cut costs, like Sarepta and Marathon did. How can you demonstrate your commitment to the MD community if you are always cutting corners? But you have a chance to get it right! INVEST in a good team!

We're all watching......

Oh PTC, you just inherited a hornets nest. You're in the spotlight! Even Sanders knows who you are! You have ONE chance to get this right!

You got a new, actually important drug, that can benefit a lot of patients!

Price it right! Don't be greedy!

Partner with the MD community!

Hire GOOD people! That means a sales team with neuromuscular experience! Don't just hire a pretty face, but get smart hard working people!

That means a field medical team with neuromuscular experience! Get True doctors on the field; don't be stupid by hiring pharmDs, that's ridiculous! You have a novel product for a complicated condition, get it right!

I got a feeling you'll screw up this launch by hiring subpar people to cut corners and cut costs, like Sarepta and Marathon did. How can you demonstrate your commitment to the MD community if you are always cutting corners? But you have a chance to get it right! INVEST in a good team!

We're all watching......

What is your angle?