PSS Urology

The real story? The real story is that they are for real.

I've had them make in-roads into my territory, with customers of all shapes and sizes. I'm concerned.

What is the best way to keep them out/at bay? What have you done in your territory to keep them out or thwart them?

Holy crap. i just lost a major account to them. I heard there stuff wasn't very good, but it turns out all the docs voted to move over. WTF!? If this keeps up, i'm in trouble.

You guys are really amusing with this back and forth but the reality is hard to escape - PSS Urology is growing like crazy and picking up key accounts, IDNs and GPOs. They are kicking ass.

PSS is not going anywhere, check your local and national GPOS's. They are making all the moves to become a big player in the over priced bi-polar market. Keep an eye on your sales reports boys!

The new PSS Urology bipolar electrodes are even better, very durable and consistent. And now they're validated for the new ERBE VIO 3 which is the best generator on the market!

PSS is not going anywhere, check your local and national GPOS's. They are making all the moves to become a big player in the over priced bi-polar market. Keep an eye on your sales reports boys!

Fuck Olympus corporate pigs!——

Olympus announces that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with Alesi Surgical Limited to distribute the 510(k)-cleared Ultravision surgical smoke control system in the U.S.

typical Olympus, a decade late to the game! Valley lab/Medtronic owns the contracts and the smoke evac market!

PSS Urology has been a nightmare. Try justifying to docs why our electrodes cost significantly more but offer no additional clinical benefit.

Right!?! I feel really stupid when the topic comes up. There is zero advantage to using our electrodes, clinically or otherwise. PSS Urology electrodes actually last longer in a procedure - and cost about $200/each less. Hard to compete with that. Hospitals would be stupid not to use them. I always just try to change the subject, lol.

PSS vs. Dornier bipolar electrodes = no contest. PSS offers brand neutrality with cables for all popular generators and resectoscopes, a much more complete offering, guaranteed performance, excellent service and support - all at significantly lower prices.

The combination of the Gen II PSS Urology bipolar electrodes and the new Erbe VIO3 is phenomenal! The VIO3 measures tissue 25,000,000/second and has the power to take full advantage of the PSSU electrodes. The results are outstanding, a whole new level of bipolar plasma resection.