

Of all things. Huh, pseudoadiction . Let's see...pseudo means false, not true. Addiction means use despite harm.
How do you do a study on pseudoadiction?
"Group A called the doctors office asking for more because they still had pain and needed a higher dose. Group B called but had no pain, they just wanted more pills."

Carol, think about that for a minute. Don't they let you hit the button for more relief on a pca? Carol, did docs used to dose in a range? Like 1-2 q4-6?
Why Carol?
Because unlike most anything else a doctor does, there is no objective way to measure pain. No Pain-o-meter. THEY DONT KNOW CAROL!
It's not easy to know. When a patient asks for more dr needs to know if they really need it.
I sure am glad they stopped bad old Purdue from telling doctors about this.
Carol, they say everyone will get 15 min of fame. You just blew yours. And for what? Is anybody better off today because you gave the Governor of OK more info he doesn't understand? No one will remember what you said or why you did it, just that you piled on with a cheap shot for your own selfish reasons.

I applaud Carol. I think her speaking up.was brave. And yes pseudoaddiction was NEVER proven to be a true thing. The term pseudoaddiction began when good ole dr. Haddon coined the term in either an editorial or an op-ed piece. Hardly a scientific method for naming something whose use (reps using the term with physicians) destroyed so many lives!!!

Cannot even comprehend that anyone with a brain would Try to defend pseudoaddiction.

You re an absolute moron!!

Of all things. Huh, pseudoadiction . Let's see...pseudo means false, not true. Addiction means use despite harm.
How do you do a study on pseudoadiction?
"Group A called the doctors office asking for more because they still had pain and needed a higher dose. Group B called but had no pain, they just wanted more pills."

Carol, think about that for a minute. Don't they let you hit the button for more relief on a pca? Carol, did docs used to dose in a range? Like 1-2 q4-6?
Why Carol?
Because unlike most anything else a doctor does, there is no objective way to measure pain. No Pain-o-meter. THEY DONT KNOW CAROL!
It's not easy to know. When a patient asks for more dr needs to know if they really need it.
I sure am glad they stopped bad old Purdue from telling doctors about this.
Carol, they say everyone will get 15 min of fame. You just blew yours. And for what? Is anybody better off today because you gave the Governor of OK more info he doesn't understand? No one will remember what you said or why you did it, just that you piled on with a cheap shot for your own selfish reasons.

Well by all means Purdue, run with a completely unproven phenomenon and teach your reps and speakers to run with it so that you can get more titrations and more money in the bank. I remember our speaker BC always said if you are trying to determine if it’s pseudoaddiction, do atleast 3 titrations and if the patient is still saying they aren’t getting relief it may be addiction! But hey Purdue made out like a bandit because with each titration the coffers at the Sackler empire increased! Brilliant Purdue! Way to go!