PSA - Overworked / Underpaid


DO NOT WORK HERE. I've been here a few months.. first and foremost, they're totally screwing me over on my comp plan going back on their word on what was clearly promised to me. Get everything in writing before coming to this company because they will 100% take advantage of you. Corporate is one thing but this is unlike anything I've seen. The culture is icky. The managers at Natera remind me of slimy used car salesmen and my manager is blatantly working 2 jobs double dipping and their boss rewards them because they're friends outside of work and they get a "buddy pass." This lab seemed glitz and glam but when you pull back the layers it's one shady operation. Nothing stays in confidence. Don't even get me started on their billing practices. I'm not comfortable talking to patients to "fix bills." I'm pretty sure my manager suffers from severe psychological issues like untreated Bipolar Disorder and is clearly on drugs (not the kind that help). Never in my life have I had a person call me cussing and 1 hour later acting totally normal and friendly. Bizarre behavior. Micro managers on a power trip. Overworked and underpaid

DO NOT WORK HERE. I've been here a few months.. first and foremost, they're totally screwing me over on my comp plan going back on their word on what was clearly promised to me. Get everything in writing before coming to this company because they will 100% take advantage of you. Corporate is one thing but this is unlike anything I've seen. The culture is icky. The managers at Natera remind me of slimy used car salesmen and my manager is blatantly working 2 jobs double dipping and their boss rewards them because they're friends outside of work and they get a "buddy pass." This lab seemed glitz and glam but when you pull back the layers it's one shady operation. Nothing stays in confidence. Don't even get me started on their billing practices. I'm not comfortable talking to patients to "fix bills." I'm pretty sure my manager suffers from severe psychological issues like untreated Bipolar Disorder and is clearly on drugs (not the kind that help). Never in my life have I had a person call me cussing and 1 hour later acting totally normal and friendly. Bizarre behavior. Micro managers on a power trip. Overworked and underpaid
Welcome! To Laboratory sales! It’s similar to Synthes (spine reps) without the backing or talent. Glad I passed on this POS

DO NOT WORK HERE. I've been here a few months.. first and foremost, they're totally screwing me over on my comp plan going back on their word on what was clearly promised to me. Get everything in writing before coming to this company because they will 100% take advantage of you. Corporate is one thing but this is unlike anything I've seen. The culture is icky. The managers at Natera remind me of slimy used car salesmen and my manager is blatantly working 2 jobs double dipping and their boss rewards them because they're friends outside of work and they get a "buddy pass." This lab seemed glitz and glam but when you pull back the layers it's one shady operation. Nothing stays in confidence. Don't even get me started on their billing practices. I'm not comfortable talking to patients to "fix bills." I'm pretty sure my manager suffers from severe psychological issues like untreated Bipolar Disorder and is clearly on drugs (not the kind that help). Never in my life have I had a person call me cussing and 1 hour later acting totally normal and friendly. Bizarre behavior. Micro managers on a power trip. Overworked and underpaid

Fairly accurate. Natera has the WORST cultures I’ve ever worked in. Good old boys running the show. When your stock tanks this fast over the past couple months you would think they would look at ELT team? But they will blame the sector vs looking inward. Lots of first time managers running around on ego trips. I worry for the representatives. I sense a restructuring coming!

Fairly accurate. Natera has the WORST cultures I’ve ever worked in. Good old boys running the show. When your stock tanks this fast over the past couple months you would think they would look at ELT team? But they will blame the sector vs looking inward. Lots of first time managers running around on ego trips. I worry for the representatives. I sense a restructuring coming!
^^^ true. Total bloodbath it's sad

I have to agree with the comments on culture. Natera has the WORST company culture I’ve ever witnessed. You never feel safe, you can’t trust the company and it’s talking heads up top… do right by your employees and they’ll stick around. There’s a reason reps leave. Every lab / company I’ve worked for had healthy culture. Natera is TOXIC. Such a shame this is the reputation and it’s widely known.

Hire cheap labor, slave drive them, tell media lies to inflate stock to fool investors.. meanwhile the org is imploding from within. If Natera had smart leaders they would have learned from Progentiy's shutdown rather than replicate it. Matter of time. You can't commit insurance fraud and be surprised when you're slapped with class action patient lawsuits greedy ol Philly boy.. Let's watch and see how he talks his way out of this one - quite entertaining if it weren't so unfortunate for the patients affected

great company if you have zero lab experience or are friends with Mr. Rent-A-Car
The ignorant overconfidence and disinterest to learn combined with his micro management for millions in losses. FOS stops progress refused to fix ops denies problems. Gloats about failed cases and still increasing sales. This is the role model?