Provenge is in SERIOUS trouble


Author of 'anonymous' whitepaper takes ownership with expert backing. CMS has known it was legitimate for 2 weeks:

And they have expert scientists supporting claims that Provenge trials harmed placebo patients, and that Provenge itself is probably harmful. The trials on which everyone is pinning their hopes for Provenge were a total sham. Science is showing we were all duped while Mitch Gold walked off with $26m!

Dan longo has probably seen this now, and he has a LOT of friends at FDA. they're going to kill this drug for sure.

We need to start looking for new jobs, guys. I am smart enough to understand what they're getting at, and I can see even Mitch can't politick and schmooze his way out of this one. Finally they proved how the trials were a total fraud. We all knew it was a matter of time....

Hey Dill-Weed, This site is for sales professionals not trolls and naked short selling scum trying to manipulate the stock price ahead of earnings reports.

Why don't you ask a Uro and patients using the treatment what they think. Check back in on the conf call in 6 months after we break $500m.

The start of the end was when Dendreon hired Mike Ball to as he put it, "Build a team". He was a joke at Cephalon and does not have the skill set to succeed here either.