protocol, protocol


I've heard some urologists and oncologists debate how to best use drugs (it seems a given that no drug is used the best way...)

Anyway, one friend (urologist) argues that you should get an infusion of Provenge, then do a prostatectomy the next week, then do the remaining two more infusions. He says he'd expect to live so long that he'd do another one every year. He claims he's frustrated that he can't recommend this and would do it cash out of pocket (since it's off label) if he were diagnosed with T1 or T2.

Yet another (oncologist) has elaborate schemes (which I suspect change in each telling, they are elaborate enough that I need to write them down to see if they are changing) that also involves wrapping Provenge around another therapy (I think it was chemo month, then Zytiga this month, maybe if I wait, he'll have them all intertwined, one infusion, a chemo, an infusion, Zytiga or wait I suppose convention wisdom would reverse the chemo and Z).

I know it's hard to tell without detailed tests, but there's only one detailed test happening and it's a sequence rather than "a wraparound".

So, just curious, what do others think? Is it just a gut feeling or you want to give some sort of heuristic immunological/oncological/ontological argument?

Are there patients out there doing these odd things? I know, there aren't nearly enough patients out there doing it on label:), but I'm still curious about "experiments". And, I think I agree with the first scheme above by my urologist pal.

I'm looking forward to responses, hope it catches on....

I've heard some urologists and oncologists debate how to best use drugs (it seems a given that no drug is used the best way...)

Anyway, one friend (urologist) argues that you should get an infusion of Provenge, then do a prostatectomy the next week, then do the remaining two more infusions. He says he'd expect to live so long that he'd do another one every year..... blah blah blah blah

No matter how many fantasies you spin in the hope that others will believe you, you shareholders aren't going to make back your losses by spreading this drivel and expecting anyone to be gullible enough to believe you.