People looking to find information on here can you please stop posting new posts asking questions about the organization? There is really one simple statement that proves that this company is a complete joke and that there are so many issues that are not even fixable and that it's not just a few people coming on here to post negative things. I'm not sure if any of you have realized this especially those of you looking into this company for a job, but if you have a little bit of intelligence you could look at the medical Device tab on cafepharma that lists all of the companies and you can see how many people are viewing each company site at any given moment( in parenthesis). Zoll right now has 18 people viewing the zoll threads. Zoll is 1/20 the size of almost all the other companies listed. All the other companies have 0 , or 1 to 2 people viewing. Zolls threads are 100% negative, and all the other companies are nowhere near 100 percent negative,more like 40% negative ,if that. If that is not a red flag to anybody that questions the validity of all of the issues and negativity as being real or not on this site about the organization of the lifevest, then you are just absolutely stupid. And if the lifevest is not a complete joke of a device, then why are none of the threads on the ZOLL section about any of the other divisions? . its almost 100% about the lifevest. , Pretty big lightbulb just went off huh? The life vest and this organization and everything about it is one of the biggest scams in recent medical sales history. Hence the reasons for all of the issues listed on this website. There is nothing that they can do to fix anything because as long as the device is a joke and not really needed and not in guidelines and overly priced, none of the problems that exist right now can be fixed no matter what leadership does.........oh wait, I almost forgot, upper leadership already knows this, that's why they don't change anything even know they know about the many known issues. They don't fix them because there is no way to fix them! Wow there's a thought !