Proof CEO Albert & Pres Susserman sold 60% stock


Dont think they are jumping ship per say just dumping majority of their stock asap to not loose millions. Albert 55% Sally over 60% of their outstanding Pfe shares.
Should be in jail as they control the timing of stock sales and timing of trial data releases.
Total insider trading 101 there.
VPs like ours put a spin on it saying they only sold a small amount of stock.
Well look at that NYSE transaction link as it shows total outstanding register shares, shares sold, and outstanding shares remaining.
Well if 50-65% of total shares sold is just a "small amount owned" then VP Pres flunked math in grade school! What a joke

Dont think they are jumping ship per say just dumping majority of their stock asap to not loose millions. Albert 55% Sally over 60% of their outstanding Pfe shares.
Should be in jail as they control the timing of stock sales and timing of trial data releases.
Total insider trading 101 there.
VPs like ours put a spin on it saying they only sold a small amount of stock.
Well look at that NYSE transaction link as it shows total outstanding register shares, shares sold, and outstanding shares remaining.
Well if 50-65% of total shares sold is just a "small amount owned" then VP Pres flunked math in grade school! What a joke
Just one more ethical issues in a long line of them for she still has a job at Pfizer is a mystery to many

What??? 60% of outstanding Pfizer stock sold day of announcement at peak almost 42!

Our VP Lotz on talk the entire division they only sold a small % of stock and the news blew it out of portion. 55% &60% is a MAJORITY NOT SMALL PORTION.

Social Justice Warrior Bourla needs to knock off the inflammatory emails. Stay in your lane and try to just run this company. Leave the brainwashing and division to CNN.

So true. This email today was really uncalled for. It actually made me embarrassed for him. Dude, what’s with all the social shit. We are a Pharma company. Let’s stick to business. It’s like this vaccine PR has gotten to his head or something. Maybe his admin assts can tell him to stop. He said he listens to their insight in the email this morning.

So true. This email today was really uncalled for. It actually made me embarrassed for him. Dude, what’s with all the social shit. We are a Pharma company. Let’s stick to business. It’s like this vaccine PR has gotten to his head or something. Maybe his admin assts can tell him to stop. He said he listens to their insight in the email this morning.

Agreed. Ridiculous embarrassment. Why on earth does a Pharmaceutical company feel the need to stick their nose in this? Let the legal system do it’s work. The founding fathers knew what they were doing when they set this system up. A Pfizer CEO sticking his Veterinarian nose into the legal system is almost as ridiculous as an animal doctor running a human medication company! Why isn’t that discussed more? A Veterinarian is running Pfizer people!!! This guy is an absolute joke. He’s running the company into the ground and crushing the culture. This is a great organization with a garbage leader. I have faith we will set this straight eventually. He is an embarrassment and a failure. Stop with the social justice and focus on our pipeline promise of “5 by 2025”. How about 1 by 2021? Focus on medicine. Stop pretending to be a social justice warrior. You’re a joke and costing jobs & company revenue.

Agreed. Ridiculous embarrassment. Why on earth does a Pharmaceutical company feel the need to stick their nose in this? Let the legal system do it’s work. The founding fathers knew what they were doing when they set this system up. A Pfizer CEO sticking his Veterinarian nose into the legal system is almost as ridiculous as an animal doctor running a human medication company! Why isn’t that discussed more? A Veterinarian is running Pfizer people!!! This guy is an absolute joke. He’s running the company into the ground and crushing the culture. This is a great organization with a garbage leader. I have faith we will set this straight eventually. He is an embarrassment and a failure. Stop with the social justice and focus on our pipeline promise of “5 by 2025”. How about 1 by 2021? Focus on medicine. Stop pretending to be a social justice warrior. You’re a joke and costing jobs & company revenue.

“The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they set this system up.” You can say that again W hite Boy. That’s why it must be dismantled.

All men were created equal?! Yeah, only took a Civil War to end slavery. These people will rewrite history right before your eyes.
Wars can't change the fact that feral blacks commit 50% of the crime in this country even though they make up 13% of the population. If you run the numbers, they get killed far less than the probability would indicate.

Wars can't change the fact that feral blacks commit 50% of the crime in this country even though they make up 13% of the population. If you run the numbers, they get killed far less than the probability would indicate.

Police falsify 85% of police reports. Biden’s Justice Department will address this and get rid of systematic racism in police and corporate America. Everyone knows that Yt has the best drugs.

The only thing Biden ever did politically to affect race relations was sponsor a crime bill in 1994 that is largely responsible for how bad things have gotten. This idiot thinks that he is going to "save" everything now and abolish racism? I just spit my coffee out reading this.

The only thing Biden ever did politically to affect race relations was sponsor a crime bill in 1994 that is largely responsible for how bad things have gotten. This idiot thinks that he is going to "save" everything now and abolish racism? I just spit my coffee out reading this.
Between him and his VP, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of minorities either had more extensive sentencing guidelines, higher incarceration rates or both. The VP even hid evidence in a trial when she was CA's AG that sent an AA man to jail for life. But these people are now going to fight "systemic" or "systematic" or whatever they call it now. You see, this is what happens when they don't teach critical thinking anymore and indoctrinate people instead.

Between him and his VP, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of minorities either had more extensive sentencing guidelines, higher incarceration rates or both. The VP even hid evidence in a trial when she was CA's AG that sent an AA man to jail for life. But these people are now going to fight "systemic" or "systematic" or whatever they call it now. You see, this is what happens when they don't teach critical thinking anymore and indoctrinate people instead.

Don’t trust none of you people to be honest because you all the same. But, at least he acknowledged he fukd up and trying to make amends.

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