Prolia Question

Just landed a job selling Prolia. What makes reps successful selling this drug while some reps struggle? What are Prolias biggest competitors and why? Thanks

Work from 10-2 Monday through Wednesday, forge your records so you can put car washes and gas for the other family car on Amgen (your records will never be audited), and enoy 3-4 day weekends but don't claim them as vacation. You should make around $130,000 per year. Its working great for the ex-Novartis northern New England rep. that's getting paid way more and working less than at Novartis. A great deal for Amgen as it lays off other people who actually work a full week.

I started selling Amway in the neighborhood. Better bonus structure than Prolia. Thanks CT.
My paper route is doing well too. It is worth the money I make on it, even if I have to get the car detailed every three weeks to get all the newsprint off the seat before my manager rides with me. My arm is going to ge in good shape when I join that traveling softball team next Spring. When I do go into the territory, I have done well picking up pop cans and taking them to the recycling center for $! Life is good. Next car will be a van!