Interviewing...what percentage of the time do you spend calling on different specialties now that Prolia has ONC indication (% vs. PCP,Onc, OBgyn,etc)?
I spend about 50/50 calling on specialty offices: OBGYN, Endo, Nephrology, Ortho and IM. We DO NOT call on Onc offices. We can call on infusion centers that are injection network sites, but we don't sell the onc indication.
If people are only going in to IM or PC offices, they are probably in the bottom half of sales. My biggest users are endos and GYNs.
I spend about 50/50 calling on specialty offices: OBGYN, Endo, Nephrology, Ortho and IM. We DO NOT call on Onc offices. We can call on infusion centers that are injection network sites, but we don't sell the onc indication.
If people are only going in to IM or PC offices, they are probably in the bottom half of sales. My biggest users are endos and GYNs.
Now that we have the indication we will be calling on onc/hem......since the OBU has no experience selling against competition or realistic sales goals they are bringing in the BHBU....aka the Big Help Business Unit
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was pretty funny, it took me a second to realize it was a joke. What's not a joke is that people have been fired from teh BHBU for going into onc offices so take that very seriously! It's no laughing matter.