Progenity part 2..?


I’m struggling to save face with a few of my accounts due to our billing practices. After digging deeper into cases, turns out these patients were wrongfully billed. Providers and patients want answers. Management is feeding me general blanket statements to get by but it’s raised a lot of moral conflict. Is anyone else experiencing this? If so, could you share how you’re navigating it? I understand no lab is perfect and this is part of sales job but it’s worse than ever lately..


Having come from Progenity it's all too reminiscent. This is how it started.. save up and build connections here before it's time to jump. Your clients will understand company practices were out of your control

If Natera would stop being greedy F@cks outsourcing billing and leaving it for the sales force to clean up we’d be in a better place. Bi weekly calls shouldn’t involve how to cover up legal issues. Ugh -__-

If Natera would stop being greedy Fcks outsourcing billing and leaving it for the sales force to clean up we’d be in a better place. Bi weekly calls shouldn’t involve how to cover up what’s going on … Ugh -__-

love when people hated former Prog reps.. drinking the kool-aid Natera is so high and mighty on it's ethical high horse... progenity was a hot mess no doubt but at least the culture wasn't a pool of toxic waste where you get cut down if you aren't the few "chosen ones"

love when people hated former Prog reps.. drinking the kool-aid Natera is so high and mighty on it's ethical high horse... progenity was a hot mess no doubt but at least the culture wasn't a pool of toxic waste where you get cut down if you aren't the few "chosen ones"
It’s a shame that toxic culture and some bad apples in management ruined what could have been a great place to work. Even after the survey went out the culture had only gotten worse. It starts with the managers. They make or break your experience at Natera. But yes, billing is a hot fucking mess right now!

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