This product is a loser. Management has no clue. Best thing about the position is the guarantee.....after that it becomes Training was a complete joke. Should have listened to the former rep but the guarantee lured me in.

can someone elaborate on the problem with Progel as a few posts have said the product stinks. But No one has been specific yet. does it work? do surgeons not want it? is it too expensive? is the market limited? etc.

Btw I dont care at all about sales. I care about me and my ego. And my job security.

At top business schools they teach students that the goal of management is to "maximize share holder wealth".

I dont give a shit about share holders. My goal is to maximze my wealth and the hell with everyone else.

Fuck you


Who is Bear?

Bard sucks I tell all my CT surgeons how expensive progel is and that a used car salesam will be trying to see them to sell it to them
Bard sucks
by the way what you sell this year counts against you next year
dear Bard this is open heart surgery you are playing with people lives
go back to selling used cars