Profitability Index

Mine. Great practice all MCO tests 50% non bonused. Why were they counted in the quota?Cant do both! Change the quota so it is a fair game. My bonus is down big time from last year.

Time to party took 2 big accounts away from SQNM today in _______ and _______. High on the profitability index or so I am told. And your stock was down 3% today. My oh my isnt it time for your annual drunk fest excuse me annual meeting?

Annual meeting to spend $3M of OPM get drunk/laid and tell each other how smart they are while their competitors eat up their business and just in case you cant tell- your customers the OB/GYNs dont give a crap about any of it. All they are concerned about is watching their own reimbursement go away.

I agree the crooks (aka senior management) are really working overtime to cook the books and get the stock price above water. Wonder if Wall Street will have their usual short memory and forget about 2Q13? Last I heard the average reimbursement was $600/test.

I loved the 2Q13 for SQNM best payday I have ever had going all in short because everybody, except the saps (common term for SQNM shareholders who werent included in the joke) knew they werent going to make their numbers and the stock cratered. Will we have a replay in 2Q14? My sources are saying yes!

screw them between salary, bonus and all I can steal on the expense report I am in hog heaven. Hope this gravy train lasts for a few more years. Oh and playing both sides of the stock because I have insider info and using a proxy so my name isnt connected. Oh and one more thing- I split my commission with a bunch of my doc buddies. They write for me and when I overachieve quota we split it. No body ever asks because everybody is doing it. Best scam ever and after 10 years in this biz I thought I has seen them all.