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Procida's a Must First Order of Business: Pink Slip for Frank C and Michael OB


The enire place willl be energized if OB and FC are served with the pink slip and escorted out of the building. Their departure will speak volume for the management. It will tell everyone that this time Eisai is serious and wants to move forward. These two individuals cannot be rehabilitated.


Lonnel Coats, Frank Ciriello, and Michael Obrien have long lost their drive in Eisai and should have been gone if Japan listened. Many years ago, these senior leaders become complacent and stop doing their very best. They needed a kick in the pants. Unfortunately, they eliminated all those who could challenge them.

In the case of Frank and Michael, they were protected by Lonnel every time they were challenged by others. Many good people were let go from Eisai because they decided to change the old and obsolete business model. Hopefully removing Lonnel is the first warning by Japan to people like Frank and Michael. Hopefully Japan has learned about the shortcomings of these individuals and soon they will transition them out. If the new leaders are serious about making Eisai better, they need to challenge the business model that was implemented by FC and OB. They need to bring new leaders and give them opportunities and protection to challenge Michael and Frank.

There are serious problems in Eisai and Japan does not know about them. The problems were buried by Lonnel because he was complacent and was already thinking about the next chapter of his life many years ago.

Lonnel Coats, Frank Ciriello, and Michael Obrien have long lost their drive in Eisai and should have been gone if Japan listened. Many years ago, these senior leaders become complacent and stop doing their very best. They needed a kick in the pants. Unfortunately, they eliminated all those who could challenge them.

In the case of Frank and Michael, they were protected by Lonnel every time they were challenged by others. Many good people were let go from Eisai because they decided to change the old and obsolete business model. Hopefully removing Lonnel is the first warning by Japan to people like Frank and Michael. Hopefully Japan has learned about the shortcomings of these individuals and soon they will transition them out. If the new leaders are serious about making Eisai better, they need to challenge the business model that was implemented by FC and OB. They need to bring new leaders and give them opportunities and protection to challenge Michael and Frank.

There are serious problems in Eisai and Japan does not know about them. The problems were buried by Lonnel because he was complacent and was already thinking about the next chapter of his life many years ago.

Eisai will not change. Frank and Michael just have too much dirt about Japan and how it operared here.

The enire place willl be energized if OB and FC are served with the pink slip and escorted out of the building. Their departure will speak volume for the management. It will tell everyone that this time Eisai is serious and wants to move forward. These two individuals cannot be rehabilitated.

Let us not forget the biggest coward, Calandra.

Now, now, lets focus on the supreme fool and idiot.
Michael gets very jealous and competitive when others attempt to take titles or anything from him. does little Mikey have anything left?

No, just lots of anger and spite.
If he had any idea or a clue he would have left the Eisai under his own power.
Security will now need to walk him out. Wish I could be there when that happens.