Probe uncovers 'Secret Deal' between Obama & Drug Companies


In order to really reform Healthcare and Medicare, we need to allow Medicare to negotiate prices.

Pharma lobbyiests spent over 86MILLION Dollars, alledgedly, to prevent what needs to happen from happening.

Looks like they made a deal to spend over 150Million Dollars in Advertising FOR ObamaCare in return.

Two things Big Pharma does not want:
*Medicare having the ability to negotiate prices

Secret Sweetheart Deals with Industry is not a democracy.

Excuse me! Not 68Million but $635 Million: exert

Back in the nation’s capital, Big Pharma has spent a lot of money over the past couple of years, keeping an army of lobbyists employed. As Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner pointed out last year, since the Obama administration took office, “the drug industry’s $635 million in lobbying exceeds that of Wall Street and the oil and gas industry, combined.” And the lesson seems to be clear: it is money well spent. Not only did they get largely what they wanted from Obama’s health-care-reform law (no caps on drug prices, no reimportation from Canada); now, President Obama’s mandate is broadening the market for their products. With drug prices so high, the best way it can increase demand for its products is to get the federal government to mandate payment for it.

I heard that Jeff, Sally, Sandy, and other freinds of Jeff had multiple secret meetings at Pfizer with Andy Stern, Matt Miller, and other liberal democratic influencers to plot the strategy. Folks within Pfizer who questioned the wisdom of supporting Obamacare via a backroom deal with the White House, like Bagger and the older woman who used to head the policy department, were shown the door. Dissent = dissmissal in the Kindler and post-Kinder Pfizer.

here's off the visitor log from the WHouse Visitor Website.

Visitor Visited Date Time
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 12/09/2010 09:00
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 09/16/2010 14:30
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 09/16/2010 09:20
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 05/11/2009 11:00
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 03/05/2009 12:30

here's off the visitor log from the WHouse Visitor Website.

Visitor Visited Date Time
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 12/09/2010 09:00
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 09/16/2010 14:30
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 09/16/2010 09:20
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 05/11/2009 11:00
Kindler, Jeffrey Potus 03/05/2009 12:30

Very interesting that he checked in the WH on 12/09/2010. Didn't the Board meet with him on 12/04/2010 in Florida? And then didn't he resign two days latter which would have made that 12/06/2010??

Anybody know when he resigned?

Looks like he resigned on 12/05/2010 and then visited the WHouse on 12/09/2010 first thing that morning, according to the WH Visitor Log.

Would love to have been a fly on that Wall, if that log is correct!

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