

So what isn't DSI telling us about Sprix's potential? In all honesty, I'm shocked by the positive response from my docs and how much they want this product. Why aren't more reps carrying this product? And why is my target list so limited? Based on the response so far, my pulse won't reflect all the scripts written by PCPs who've pulled me into their offices wanting to hear about Sprix...pisses me off that I won't be IC'd for my effort. On another note, this could help save a lot of jobs.

How would you explain this? Been with the company for 3 yrs, we never go fewer targets, always more doc and more sales calls. Furthermore, there is not product in he horizon or in the pipeline. Action just does not make sense.

So my partner calls and asks me to ask my dr to write me and all my family members a script to fill just to keep on hand in case...She said thats how her manager told her to make money...