How the hell is LR federal and AVP (should be an associate rep) JS still employed at MDXG? It boggles my mind. #shady. If the AE’s think there’s a chance in hell they will get to sell the injections in 2-4 years....well...your not! Ro’hit’um has the personality of a 3rd world software engineer and his best nurse pal KM has the leadership swagger (haha!) of a janitorial urinal supply co.manager. When the 4x4.5 Mesh gets shut off by medicare next quarter...and it is because the units are OFF!....BOOM! Lights out for the wound care biz. Only thing left will be the injections pharma reps will be selling years later. This company is such a clown show...AB in ops, drunken AVP’s....3M rejects...and a company culture of deceit.