Priority Granted

Great news on Priority Review. This will really move the goal posts up. This will be the only drug for the new indication and will have great insurance coverage. I know, it will take a little time but it will really be well received at that point.

I have an opportunity to to work here, how is the product doing really? Is the job change worth it ?

Honestly depends on your current situation. Product is doing well but is not immune to issues revolving around managed care/access. Coverage is decent, Medicare is a good opportunity but cost fluctuates across the board. We are gaining ground on generic omega 3 and will soon overtake it for majority market share. Still losing out to fibrate market, and tons of pressure from the top to have virtually everyone on a statin that fits reduce-it profile to be on vascepa. It's a long road we have ahead of us but outlook is promising if we dont sell out to big pharma. If we go alone, this will definitely be the place to work.

I have an opportunity to to work here, how is the product doing really? Is the job change worth it ?

Scripts are up 70% year over year and that is before the expanded label. Coverage is improving but once the label is expanded it will get much better as it will be the only approved drug for the indication. Small management team who are willing to listen to and learn from reps.