Primary Care Word of the Day: METRICS!!


Dear Japan,
You can hire monkeys to count the number of calls per day to targeted accounts, monitor company care mileage and gas receipts. You don't need overpaid VP of sales and RSDs to measure "metrics". We need leaders with experience in the field with oncology products to lead oncology. Why do you not understand this concept? Do you have any idea what the turnover rate is for oncology reps are within Eisai? No one is happy!
BTW, I have never worked for a company that did not have live speakers trained and ready to speak immediately after a new product was approved by the FDA. Physicians laugh at your live web-exs and will not participate.
If you are so interested in cutting costs, why don't you ask OB what it will cost the company to conduct these ridiculous video taped role plays at the upcoming POA?

Dear Japan,
You can hire monkeys to count the number of calls per day to targeted accounts, monitor company care mileage and gas receipts. You don't need overpaid VP of sales and RSDs to measure "metrics". We need leaders with experience in the field with oncology products to lead oncology. Why do you not understand this concept? Do you have any idea what the turnover rate is for oncology reps are within Eisai? No one is happy!
BTW, I have never worked for a company that did not have live speakers trained and ready to speak immediately after a new product was approved by the FDA. Physicians laugh at your live web-exs and will not participate.
If you are so interested in cutting costs, why don't you ask OB what it will cost the company to conduct these ridiculous video taped role plays at the upcoming POA?

I have stopped caring. They have succeeded in totally demoralizing myself and my peers. Our focus is now on our job searches, not on hanging on as long as possible. To do that means to delay the inevitable. Even those left standing after the dust settles will not be happy - they will be relieved to still have a job, but they will be miserable having to continue to work for this company and the negative culture that pervades it. One's energies are best served seeking new employment, collecting the check as long as the company allows, and working on your backup plan. Once you adopt this mindset you will have peace-of-mind, something the current climate at Eisai does not foster.

I agree. OB destroyed Oncology the same way he ruined Primary Care. The morale is at an all time low here. It used to mean something to be a part of the oncology team; now we are just another glorified PC subsidiary.

Dear Japan,
You can hire monkeys to count the number of calls per day to targeted accounts, monitor company care mileage and gas receipts. You don't need overpaid VP of sales and RSDs to measure "metrics". We need leaders with experience in the field with oncology products to lead oncology. Why do you not understand this concept? Do you have any idea what the turnover rate is for oncology reps are within Eisai? No one is happy!
BTW, I have never worked for a company that did not have live speakers trained and ready to speak immediately after a new product was approved by the FDA. Physicians laugh at your live web-exs and will not participate.
If you are so interested in cutting costs, why don't you ask OB what it will cost the company to conduct these ridiculous video taped role plays at the upcoming POA?

LOL, if oncology reps knew what they were doing then the company wouldn't need DMs to oversee the metrics.

AT, the former RD for primary care....metrics and tracking spreadsheets move business.

She will manage your territory and therefore, your business for you.

Oh yea, she will dictate how you spend your promo $$$'s and when.

The crazy thing, the person that replaced her is identical to her.

MM also screwed many out of bonus $. The worst idea in the history of pharma was the SFE. Her quarterly territory plans were the second worst idea in pharma. LOL what a joke she was. I think OB is an ok guy. He pretty much let's us do our job. He was a little crazy on halaven launch but has mellowed since it is doing pretty well now.

Metrics are necessary for salespeople with no experience. If you don't know where to go or how to open your TMAC report, someone must tell you who to see and how often to see them. As a bonus, you will even get a nifty little form to track your visits to insure that you don't miss a beat! Any rep who knows their a*s from their elbow will not benefit at all from metrics, but instead will find them to be restrictive and belittling. The keys for the seasoned sellers are motivation, relationships, and partnerships. Motivation comes from good management and inner desire, relationships are formed with customers / management / counterparts, and productive partnerships should exist with smart management and counterparts.

Metrics are necessary for salespeople with no experience. If you don't know where to go or how to open your TMAC report, someone must tell you who to see and how often to see them. As a bonus, you will even get a nifty little form to track your visits to insure that you don't miss a beat! Any rep who knows their a*s from their elbow will not benefit at all from metrics, but instead will find them to be restrictive and belittling. The keys for the seasoned sellers are motivation, relationships, and partnerships. Motivation comes from good management and inner desire, relationships are formed with customers / management / counterparts, and productive partnerships should exist with smart management and counterparts.

Surprisingly accurate for an Eisai employee. Well said....

Metrics are necessary for salespeople with no experience. If you don't know where to go or how to open your TMAC report, someone must tell you who to see and how often to see them. As a bonus, you will even get a nifty little form to track your visits to insure that you don't miss a beat! Any rep who knows their a*s from their elbow will not benefit at all from metrics, but instead will find them to be restrictive and belittling. The keys for the seasoned sellers are motivation, relationships, and partnerships. Motivation comes from good management and inner desire, relationships are formed with customers / management / counterparts, and productive partnerships should exist with smart management and counterparts.

Wrong, wrong and wrong. If we are to be effective as managers we need to monitor your every move. We need to know where you are and what you are doing at every hour of every day. Remember this if you succeed, we succeed, if you fail, you fail!. Help me, help you, I don't trust you and neither do my superiors! My job is a sham, its a glorified babysitting job. I need extra reports from you because I have no confidence in my own ability to truly lead and motivate people. Even if I did I am held back by weak products and poor leadership. I am only justifying my own job here, so please play along.

Your friendly neighborhood DM

P.S. Just play along at POA!


I would do that if you wouldn't keep on F---ing me!!!! You piece of sh*$!s!!!

Metrics are necessary for salespeople with no experience. If you don't know where to go or how to open your TMAC report, someone must tell you who to see and how often to see them. As a bonus, you will even get a nifty little form to track your visits to insure that you don't miss a beat! Any rep who knows their a*s from their elbow will not benefit at all from metrics, but instead will find them to be restrictive and belittling. The keys for the seasoned sellers are motivation, relationships, and partnerships. Motivation comes from good management and inner desire, relationships are formed with customers / management / counterparts, and productive partnerships should exist with smart management and counterparts.

Wrong. Why hire people that do not know how to manage their business?

AT, the former RD for primary care....metrics and tracking spreadsheets move business.

She will manage your territory and therefore, your business for you.

Oh yea, she will dictate how you spend your promo $$$'s and when.

The crazy thing, the person that replaced her is identical to her.

She knows absoutley NOTHING about Oncology, and adds no value! The only thing that she knows how to do is micromanage.