Primary care new bag structure Jackie Nelson video

Anonymous CCA

Can anyone explain Jackie Nelson video?

If there is only 2 drugs under review.....why the new structure. What happens if 3 of the 6 don't get approved?

Where the hell are directors? Do they have tape over their mouth!,


Several of us listened 3 times to her message and still do not undertand. She spoke in "Merck Speak". She sounded like Joe Biden trying to explain something. Please List what is going to take place and who will make decesions on rep placement

I still think there is too many reps and not enough customers. I hear the managers are meeting the last week in oct to plan for rep and territory alignment. Is this true?

Jackie made it seem like she actually gets it that access is tough! She should see if her title will help her get to mayo clinic or Stanford hospital customers.

She may be doing a good job but I think sales leaders should have been reps at some point in their career.......Most companies I know have that in their corporate pedigree. It seems that walking in those shoes is paramount to heading up sales or marketing in many companies...

Jackie's prior work experience was at a managed care company. She has never sold a product, but knows how to BS corporate speak extremely well. My, she struts like she is Queen Sheba. Yes, a real sapphire!

Our higher up said no drastic changes, just minor. We have had so many reps leave due to lack of promotions and pay raises, so no cuts expected in our area. I agree. But who knows, they would never tell us if the sky were indeed falling. They want us working until the bitter end.

OK ...port 2 overlay. Bag realigned to raise my hand? Or bag realigned to carry drugs not approved yet? Or same old shit with same customers & too many people w diabetes products? Come on people, i am just a filler aka caterer to all the targets no one wants! My bet is, my bag is gone

OK ...port 2 overlay. Bag realigned to raise my hand? Or bag realigned to carry drugs not approved yet? Or same old shit with same customers & too many people w diabetes products? Come on people, i am just a filler aka caterer to all the targets no one wants! My bet is, my bag is gone

Confucius says "having more on a product means better results."

( : )

We know the docs feel more loved that way....and you keep them happy in samples.

The big question is what will be the rep:manager ratio. Attrition has districts down to 7-9 reps. Is this where the number will stay? If so, will CTL's continue to be pushed out into the field for these ridiculous field visits every other week?
Jackie, if this is your plan, here is what will happen: What few self-respecting quality reps you have left will say enough of this kindergarten babysitting bullshit and they will move on to greener pastures as the economy improves. You will be left with the shallow, thoughtless, imposters that care only about telling you what you want to hear. Good luck selling anything with those shitheads.

Quality reps that stay in the pharma game will become your competitors and kick your ass.

Oh, how many have you lost to Novo already? Ever wonder why?

The big question is what will be the rep:manager ratio. Attrition has districts down to 7-9 reps. Is this where the number will stay? If so, will CTL's continue to be pushed out into the field for these ridiculous field visits every other week?
Jackie, if this is your plan, here is what will happen: What few self-respecting quality reps you have left will say enough of this kindergarten babysitting bullshit and they will move on to greener pastures as the economy improves. You will be left with the shallow, thoughtless, imposters that care only about telling you what you want to hear. Good luck selling anything with those shitheads.

Quality reps that stay in the pharma game will become your competitors and kick your ass.

Oh, how many have you lost to Novo already? Ever wonder why?

Totally agree! In our area, some managers have 6 reps. They have come up with a scheme to "cross-pollinate" the districts (another way to say we don't have enough to do as CTLs, so we need to come up with something and this is the best we can do). Some months, you can ride with your manager for a couple of days and then cross pollinate with another manager for two days. Result is you have a manager in your car 4 days a month, your customers are pissed (and think something is wrong with you since you always have a manager with you), and sales suffer. Are we Merck Centric or Customer Centric? I like the CTLs in our area, but we have too many, please move them somewhere else!

Jackie's prior work experience was at a managed care company. She has never sold a product, but knows how to BS corporate speak extremely well. My, she struts like she is Queen Sheba. Yes, a real sapphire!

Please allow an old fart like myself to correct your info. She may have been with a managed care company many years ago. But she was at the HQ before coming out to the field as a regional director of managed care and sales director in the Midwest before Mother Merck called her back to the East Coast. She was Jackie McClarty until she got remarried and changed her last name. Yes she never carried a bag. It was kind of funny that she personally announced the birth of her child via MVX to us and then changed her last name. We never had a birth announcement to the field from the hospital like that before. :)

Jackie's prior work experience was at a managed care company. She has never sold a product, but knows how to BS corporate speak extremely well. My, she struts like she is Queen Sheba. Yes, a real sapphire!

Somewhat incorrect. She was recruited to work at the HQ, promoted to the Midwest as a director of managed care and then sales. Then Mother Merck called her back to the HQ about 10 years ago? She indeed never carry a bag.

I agree with the above posts. Still top heavy with managers and reps. Not enough customers in a district to justify all the bodies. How could the company not know this?????

I agree with the above posts. Still top heavy with managers and reps. Not enough customers in a district to justify all the bodies. How could the company not know this?????

Deep down inside they still cling to the "Share of Voice" concept from the wild and crazy days when 6-7 reps called on the same doctor promoting Vioxx.

Observation: we are working our butts off trying to squeeze blood from a turnip, the pipeline is thin for at least a year, to few targeted hcps to maintain the required 10 cpd; our stock is rising?

Official communication: Back to teams organized by letters with two teams per manager, 4 reps with identical territories, rest assured we will maintain the same staffing

Speculation: Is the handwriting on the wall?

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