Price inflation


Can anyone shed some light on why the cost of Suboxone has inflated so much over the years?

1/2008___ $177.50

There's been a huge rise in the last few months as well:

June, 2012 - $7.58 per 8/2 Tablet
July, 2012 - $8.71 per 8/2 Tablet
November, 2012 $10.01 per 8/2 Tablet

Any reason for this?

Can anyone shed some light on why the cost of Suboxone has inflated so much over the years?

1/2008___ $177.50

There's been a huge rise in the last few months as well:

June, 2012 - $7.58 per 8/2 Tablet
July, 2012 - $8.71 per 8/2 Tablet
November, 2012 $10.01 per 8/2 Tablet

Any reason for this?

You need to shop around. Some pharmacy is jerking your chain, or maybe the street is.

The main problem is this. RB sells Suboxone at a certain price to warehouses. Usually that price is increased a bit each year. But not to the degree of the amounts the OP posted. The issue is the with the pharmacies, esp. the chains like CVS and WalGreens. They know they have a "captive" patient population that needs this medication, thus they price gouge. Film is intentionally sold cheaper than tablet to warehouses, to encourage patients to switch over. I've had complaints in my territory of Film being MORE expensive than tablet at the chains. But RB has little to no control over pharmacy pricing. The best thing you can do is tell docs to have patients shop around....Wal Mart is usually cheaper, and independent pharmacies are as well...It really sucks for the patients though; when they not only jack up the price, but treat them like shit too.

The main problem is this. RB sells Suboxone at a certain price to warehouses. Usually that price is increased a bit each year. But not to the degree of the amounts the OP posted. The issue is the with the pharmacies, esp. the chains like CVS and WalGreens. They know they have a "captive" patient population that needs this medication, thus they price gouge. Film is intentionally sold cheaper than tablet to warehouses, to encourage patients to switch over. I've had complaints in my territory of Film being MORE expensive than tablet at the chains. But RB has little to no control over pharmacy pricing. The best thing you can do is tell docs to have patients shop around....Wal Mart is usually cheaper, and independent pharmacies are as well...It really sucks for the patients though; when they not only jack up the price, but treat them like shit too.

Yea sure...Blame it on pharmacy price gouging.. Typical RB RBP increased the price of Suboxone over 7 times in two years to make the film appear that it was cheaper. Nice try!

You are an idiot. The price increase in the tablet is to discourage utilization. In the same time, film has only has one minor increase. Ever, since introduction/launch. Get your fucking conspiracy theorist facts straight, chicken little.

Fact: RB's Film price (the amount it charges to wholesalers) IS and ALWAYS has been less than for the Tablet. Repeat: The Tablet has ALWAYS been MORE EXPENSIVE, and will REMAIN THAT WAY.

The Tablet was the best available treatment at one time. It was great. The environment changed and demanded a reformulation. Now the Film has replaced the title of Best Available Treatment. There is no reason to remain on the tablet. While it continues to provide quality treatment, there is now a better treatment at a cheaper price. Cheaper.
Safer for environments with children. Makes diversion more difficult (yes, its still diverted, and always will be, but more difficult). Protects communities from black market. Protects Prescribers.

Why would a patient WANT to remain on the Tablet? A few, less than 5%, have real compliance issues. You fill in the blanks. The black market for the Tablet is growing, and remains a hot ticket. As the amount of Tablets decreases, the black market makes it more valuable. This encourages more patients wanting it, and then selling it.

There are spineless physicians who continue to prescribe the Tablet and are doing so much more harm to the cause than helping a few. Remember, docs, these are patients who have learned to master manipulation. You are being manipulated. By your patients. Not RB.

Now, back to lunch.

Truth....Film is CHEAPER than tablet and combined with the discount card, there really is no need for the tab anymore, except in rare cases. Anyone still wanting tab, with some exceptions of course, are wanting it to sell. Get real, these are addicts people. Some want to get better, some want to play pushover docs to get what they want.

Truth....Film is CHEAPER than tablet and combined with the discount card, there really is no need for the tab anymore, except in rare cases. Anyone still wanting tab, with some exceptions of course, are wanting it to sell. Get real, these are addicts people. Some want to get better, some want to play pushover docs to get what they want.

Just so you know; they sell the film too.

Why would a patient WANT to remain on the Tablet? A few, less than 5%, have real compliance issues. You fill in the blanks. The black market for the Tablet is growing, and remains a hot ticket. As the amount of Tablets decreases, the black market makes it more valuable. This encourages more patients wanting it, and then selling it.

There are spineless physicians who continue to prescribe the Tablet and are doing so much more harm to the cause than helping a few. Remember, docs, these are patients who have learned to master manipulation. You are being manipulated. By your patients. Not RB.

Now, back to lunch.

This is fucking blatant RB spin, and it brought up time and time again by you bullshit peddlers.

(a) The film is NOT harder to divert, is NOT harder to sell on the street, and has JUST AS MUCH value on the street if not MORE than the tablets. Why? Because it is EASIER TO INJECT.

You conveniently forget that shit every time.

Also, can you explain to me how it is harder to deal a few films than a few tablets?

The people who prefer to stay on the tablets do so with the philosophy that "If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It". Some people find the abundance of packaging with the film difficult to manage, or prefer the taste of the tablets.

Some people are sick of being funneled onto another one of RB's patent-extenders, and being fed the same bullshit reasons for why the new medication is the answer and the old medication is dangerous... when for many fucking years you peddled the benefits of the medication you now claim kills babies?

The ONLY solution to truly preventing pediatric overdose and the risk of diversion is Probuphine. Look at it this way. If Titan reps used the same arguments you losers use to push Suboxone Film, you guys will be goners in not long at all.

Eat your fucking words.

This is fucking blatant RB spin, and it brought up time and time again by you bullshit peddlers.

(a) The film is NOT harder to divert, is NOT harder to sell on the street, and has JUST AS MUCH value on the street if not MORE than the tablets. Why? Because it is EASIER TO INJECT.

You conveniently forget that shit every time.

Also, can you explain to me how it is harder to deal a few films than a few tablets?

The people who prefer to stay on the tablets do so with the philosophy that "If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It". Some people find the abundance of packaging with the film difficult to manage, or prefer the taste of the tablets.

Some people are sick of being funneled onto another one of RB's patent-extenders, and being fed the same bullshit reasons for why the new medication is the answer and the old medication is dangerous... when for many fucking years you peddled the benefits of the medication you now claim kills babies?

The ONLY solution to truly preventing pediatric overdose and the risk of diversion is Probuphine. Look at it this way. If Titan reps used the same arguments you losers use to push Suboxone Film, you guys will be goners in not long at all.

Eat your fucking words.

Lots of curse words. Losing control? Get you a little hot under the collar? Sorry.
Either way, the tablet will be gone. Titan or not.
Why are you fighting this battle?

I may be getting angry, but I feel it's justified when there's reps running around telling doctors that anyone who prefers the tablets to the film "must be diverting". It creates needless suspicion among doctors when most patients I know have legitimate reasons for preferring the tablets, even if it's the idea that they don't see the point in changing something that's been working for them for years.

It's unforgivable for reps to play on a doctors fear of diversion, and attempt to undermine the trust between doctor and patient, when it can take years for trust to develop from both sides in a doctor patient relationship.

The worst thing of all is that the suggestion films are harder to divert, or has less street value, is based on a completely false pretense. A quick google shows that it's incredibly easy to snort AND inject the film, and many Suboxone abusers prefer the film because they can squeeze more into a hit. But something makes me think you won't be warning doctors of that reality. Instead you'll keep telling doctors your lies to push your sales agenda.

And when the doctor ponders - well my patients tell me one thing, but the RB rep tells me another. Who should I trust, the addicts or the salespeople? Their reputations are about as bad as each other. So some doctors may be open to questioning their patients intentions, when the reality is the patients on the film are equally capable of diverting their medication.

Addicts have proven themselves to be poor decision makers, and should appreciate that there has been a company who went out on a limb to offer this treatment, and doctors who have done the same in treating them. There is so much diversion in this population of patients that the treatment is at risk, and the company and doctors who care want to make sure that treatment remains available. Be grateful that someone has been willing to help.

And discontinuing tablets to replace with the film ... will help diversion how? I've asked this question a few times now and still haven't got a reasonable answer that makes any sense.

You guys really do love looking down on your own customers. I don't know of any organisation that hangs as much shit on their own customers as RB.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Can you please link me to a study that proves diversion is down with the film? What do you do? Walk about to dealers with a clipboard asking them how many tablets they have compared to films? I call bullshit.

If you can't even explain why the film's harder to divert, how can you design a study to test it?