So, what are your predictions for Vertex in 2014?
So, what are your predictions for Vertex in 2014?
Buyout in early 2013, followed by a series of 'what went wrong" type article from the Boston Globe and the first real awakening that the Cambridge/Boston pharma/biotech scene has been and is a bubble that's just starting to pop. People will wake up to the fact that the field has been bleeding low and mid-level jobs to CRO's all based in the south and to automation as well.
Wish, not a prediction --- All the deadwood, burnouts, incompetents and lazy people get the axe and the company gets a fresh start.
Unfortunately, a wish that will not come true. The deadwood left will drive the company further into the ground.
Deadwood always floats to the top.
At the expense of stockholders and patients
You really need to put the bitter pills away. Find your happy place. Oh, and in general, the stockholders who have held over the longterm have done pretty well.
Snow. Some sun. Some clouds. Lots of partly cloudy.