pre employment screening


What type of pre employment drug screening is used at Bard (urine, hair, etc.)? Anyone know as I smoke the occasional bowl and don't want to jeapardize a good job opportunity I am considering pursuing.

Thanks to all serious responses.

Yeah i know - I should give up my occasional hobby being in my early 40s now, but I don't see the harm as it does not affect my work quality at all.

Thank you for the response.

Yeah i know - I should give up my occasional hobby being in my early 40s now, but I don't see the harm as it does not affect my work quality at all.

Thank you for the response.

"Smoke the occasional old are you?" Says the guy that drinks an occasional beer. A few years ago I ran into the same problem. I smoke occasionally (once every 1-3 months) when I want to let loose and relax with friends. I smoked with friends and 5 days later got an interview with Bard and was offered it the next day...drug test two days later. Everyone thinks that marijuana stays in your system for 30 days...wrong. That's if you're a regular user. I passed...but definitely did some fat burning cardio before the test, hahaha.

"Smoke the occasional old are you?" Says the guy that drinks an occasional beer. A few years ago I ran into the same problem. I smoke occasionally (once every 1-3 months) when I want to let loose and relax with friends. I smoked with friends and 5 days later got an interview with Bard and was offered it the next day...drug test two days later. Everyone thinks that marijuana stays in your system for 30 days...wrong. That's if you're a regular user. I passed...but definitely did some fat burning cardio before the test, hahaha.

Do not believe what this poster said...complete myth. 5 days later and no pop just means the labcorp either randomly tests samples or they screwed up. Don't believe me? Just go to cvs and by one of the detector kits that the drug rehab centers and protective parents, probation officers, etc use.

If you smoke and are looking just hold off, after you are hired I doubt you would be tested again.

Do not believe what this poster said...complete myth. 5 days later and no pop just means the labcorp either randomly tests samples or they screwed up. Don't believe me? Just go to cvs and by one of the detector kits that the drug rehab centers and protective parents, probation officers, etc use.

If you smoke and are looking just hold off, after you are hired I doubt you would be tested again.

Try google before expressing views without any's not a myth. The lab didn't screw up because I also bought an at-home drug test 5 days later after smoking and it was clean, too. Marijuana has a half-life just like everything else, plus the lab has a cutoff threshold. At 3-4 days, the THC is below that threshold. Here's a study:

""The length of time cannabis metabolites may be detected, on average, on a standard urine screen is typically no longer than 3-4 days for infrequent users, according to a literature review published in the current issue of the journal Drug Court Review."

"Recent scientific literature indicates that it is uncommon for occasional marijuana smokers to test positive for cannabinoid [metabolites] in urine for longer than seven days" at 20 ng/ml or above on the EMIT (Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique) test, the author concludes. "Following smoking cessation, chronic smokers would not be expected to remain positive for longer than 21 days, even when using the 20 ng/ml cannabinoid cutoff."

I have a helpful hint for you Smokey : Go to GNC and buy the cleanser drink (45-50 bucks an well worth it) You can smoke all the occasional bowls you want , just layoff for 48 hours and follow the directions on the bottle. Worse case scenario is the test is "inconclusive" which bascially means you passed b/c the company wont want to pay for another test. Cmon now you and your pothead friends should already know this. (no the pac man isnt smoking a pipe haha)

I have a helpful hint for you Smokey : Go to GNC and buy the cleanser drink (45-50 bucks an well worth it) You can smoke all the occasional bowls you want , just layoff for 48 hours and follow the directions on the bottle. Worse case scenario is the test is "inconclusive" which bascially means you passed b/c the company wont want to pay for another test. Cmon now you and your pothead friends should already know this. (no the pac man isnt smoking a pipe haha)

Really? Smokey? I don't even smoke often enough to ever worry about needing some drink. Smoking pot every few months makes me a pothead? Hahahah, classic. If it were alcohol, you'd consider me an alcoholic?