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Pre employment medical exam


What the hell is this pre employment exam about?
Are all of the vaccinations required?

Have you been in pharma before or are you one of the naive 27-32 year old new hires who still has mom and dad send you money to cover your apartment rent?

Get your head out of your ass on the vaccinations. We work in and around the medical profession. Teva is a company over 100 employees. If you’d stop playing Pokémon Go with your other extra tight jogger pant friends, you would have read by now it is required. Otherwise, apply at your local Banana Republic outlet store.

Many companies have incoming reps get medical exams. If you are gonna be a rep you need to realize you are gonna be around patients and medical staff. They do this for your health insurance. But also because you may have to use programs like retracts or vendormate where hospitals/clinics want to know if you have diseases like TB, AIDS, etc. The med exam is common for new hires. But, I would not be surprised if the do want to know all your vaccinations since many places you are gonna visit will require one like your cv19 shot to gain access

Do not sweat the pre-employment physical or verification of vaccination thing.. I did mine this past Tuesday and it took less than an hour. Just had to get it completed since I already accepted my written offer and it was part of the employment requirements. Actually, it was pretty cool because I realized I was due for a tetanus shot which I hadn't had in over 15 years, so I was able to get that knocked out. Its all good and a very simple process. I am very impressed with Teva's on-boarding process for what its worth.

Does anybody know if you are able to decline tetanus and flu shot. I have had 3 Covid shots this year and (for personal reasons) don’t want to bombard my body this year.

assholes with narrative driven responses need not respond

Does anybody know if you are able to decline tetanus and flu shot. I have had 3 Covid shots this year and (for personal reasons) don’t want to bombard my body this year.

assholes with narrative driven responses need not respond

Tetanus and flu shot wasn't a requirement for mine. They mainly want to make sure you had most of your required childhood vaccinations, which usually is never an issue for most. Hopefully you can get verification from your state of birth. Very basic and the only requirement here, as with all pharma companies is that you can show at least 1 Covid vax. Good luck and welcome to the team.

I have worked for several other pharma companies prior to coming to Teva. I can assure you, Teva’s pre-employment physical is not normal.

That said, it is thorough, but they usually just run titers to see what you have been immunized for. It is up to you whether you follow up for what you’re missing, such at Hep B or whatever it is.

Look at it as a nice checkup that you don’t have to pay for. Request the data and send it into your pcp to see if they have any recommendations.

3 covid shots in 10 months, I think your immune system is already bombarded and you have about 25% immune function left. Next time, think before you write something that ridiculous.