Pre-employment drug test

Every pharma place sucks. Its the golden handcuffs.

Can anyone provide a real answer please? Marijuana is legal recreationally in my state. Does this company drug test/test include marijana?

Most pharma companies don't test anymore, and many that do, have excluded THC.

Every pharma place sucks. Its the golden handcuffs.

Can anyone provide a real answer please? Marijuana is legal recreationally in my state. Does this company drug test/test include marijana?

Most pharma companies don't test anymore, and many that do, have excluded THC.

If it’s legal where you live and you test positive, it’s not disqualifying. You just can’t use on the job.

We have to sell weed to make a decent bonus. Bring some dude. You are HIRED!

this one made me laugh. Yet; the Japanese American haters are on a spending spree and it doesn’t include a bonus for their core salesforce. Naokie and Kenji are horrible executives. They are horrible people that hate the American people. Always keep that in mind.