Posting and threats


I find it interesting that Medicis people are not posting as much. Seems like the threats and firings are finally scaring all of you. I feel sorry for people that stay at a job for money and they don't have the morals and character to not get away from the greed and evil at this company. They play you for their personal benefit and greed.
All the best to you who are looking but can't find a way out it will come be patient.

you are correct. The boards are quiet. Fear rules at that joint. I know. I got out, but the scars of working there never quite heal. It's like getting out of prison an rememberign the cell block rapes. It's like Hotel California. You check in but you can never leave. Interesting that no one really wants to hire an ex-Medicis employee. They sympathize with you and want to hear all about it, but are too afraid you've been branded a freak and a pharma law violator. best to just switch industries once you do leave. In their restricted stock awards/stock oprion contracts, they have you sign your life away to include never to sue them for anything, not even sexual harrassment. Most employees don;t even read the damn 25-30 page document becuase the stock is presented as an award and who the hell would present an award disguised as a trojan horse? Jonah, that's who. the lawyers lawyer. but there are states - most of them- where the contract wouldn;t hold up anyway. Problem is most lawyers looking for a better ROI than 50k.
Everybody's bust loading in fo rbig bonuses. Opps did I say that? No, not at MEdicis.. Speaking of cell block rapes, anybody have any updates on the andrew Hall case agaianst the three numb nuts?

my manager said they can see who is writing on cafepharma. Is that true? Can they fire me if they see me writing on here? I want to know if its true that Galderma is buying Medicis?

my manager said they can see who is writing on cafepharma. Is that true? Can they fire me if they see me writing on here? I want to know if its true that Galderma is buying Medicis?

if you post from your work computer Yes. If from a non-company issued computer No.
If Galderma is buying Medicis then medicis has really hit on hard times.

Galderma is buying the company that manufactures the aesthetics products- there goes that division, and Solo is going off patent in a matter of months . . . Medicis is a glorified marketing company - smoke on AZ dust - POOF!

Medicis has hit rock bottom goofball. Im holding onto this shitty stock because I believe the company will be sold in 3 months. Solodyn is the flagship product and is going generic. Galderma now controls Restlyn. The writing is on the wall. Good luck

Even if, just say, Galderma did buy Medicis (which has been a rumor for how many years now??), they would still need the Medicis reps and managers to sell the stuff, so why worry. Go have some fun, make some money, and give up this negative crabbing. geezzz....

Should I start looking? Galderma already has 5 acne reps in my territory and 2 aesthetic reps. I get the feeling they wont need Medicis reps that are paid twice as much as Galderma reps.

The turnover in Medicis is so high, whether compulsory or personally chosen, that the names of reps and managers are very soon forgotten; even if they were one of the popular power-hitters. The impact of their departure is really never felt by the company. And if a doc bitches and moans about the departure, he/she is usually back to writing the drugs at their normal level, or greater, within a few short months. So, yes, go. Your foot prints in Medicis will be like those in the sand, regardless of your tenure with the company. "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

JOnah must have hired a ghost blogger. what a load of shit recent posts on this e-rag have been. MAybe doctors write our shit, but with certain rep departures, many territories that sold b2b aesthetics have been hard hit in their absence. so go mist yourslef with that reminder

You better off leave for Galderma. They are hiring now. You may have a chance as they have 2 executives who came from your company and that they will buy you soon anyway

The turnover in Medicis is so high, whether compulsory or personally chosen, that the names of reps and managers are very soon forgotten; even if they were one of the popular power-hitters. The impact of their departure is really never felt by the company. And if a doc bitches and moans about the departure, he/she is usually back to writing the drugs at their normal level, or greater, within a few short months. So, yes, go. Your foot prints in Medicis will be like those in the sand, regardless of your tenure with the company. "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

Hey, no one is useless. At worst, you can always be used as a bad example.