Post-mortem exam says Junior Seau had CTE


Yep. Here come the lawsuits.

Brain specialists picked apart his grey matter and say Junior has something called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which in layman's terms is brain injury caused by some sort of chronic trauma. This is said to be the cause of some types of depression or other forms of mental illness.

As you recall, Junior committed suicide with a firearm.

So what are the hand-wringers going to do now? Ban football in the United States? Or instead of tackling will they pat the ball carrier on the ass with both hands and that will stop forward progress? I expect Congress to get involved here eventually and subpoena some NFL linebackers and drill them under oath about any head shots they've delivered to opposing running backs or wide receivers. Maybe the pols could get some added publicity by charging one or two of the players with perjury or obstruction of justice while using the NFL game videos as evidence. You know, the same sort of crap they pulled on Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons for steroid use. Bonds was convicted of obstruction while Clemon was ACQUITTED of all charges - but he still had to pay his attorneys which must have cost him a load of cash. And Clemons was recently up for consideration for a spot in the Hall of Fame and the sportswriters/voters rejected him (63% voted against) for consideration due to the steroid scandal. So let's see if I got this right.....Clemons was ACQUITTED in a court of law of all charges, re: steroid use, and he's still being punished? What the fuck? What ever happened to the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE in America? Have we gone that far off the deep end? We're being ruled by a bunch of fracken nazi's!!!!

Back to Seau.....the NFL should make all players sign an agreement when joining the league. It should read as follows:

"I am a big boy and I understand that pro-football can sometimes be a violent game. Even though I wear a helmet at times I will bang my head with another player and it could cause an oweee. That is part of the game. Always has been, always will be. But that is why I get paid big, big bucks. To take those kind of risks. If I CHOOSE not to take those risks for the money - I know full well where the door is and I can CHOOSE another profession - like being a elevator operator or a street cleaner. Once I sign this agreement I knowingly and willfully accept all those risks AND the consequences that go along with them - and I agree the hold the NFL and the fans (ticket prices) harmless for any brain injury that I may suffer."

There. Easy as pie.

If I got paid $5M a year for playing a fracken game I would literally put my balls on the chopping block for that kind of money - especially of I had an IQ less than 95 and knew that my other employment opportunties were quite limted.


Shit, I've had STD's but never CTE's as far as I know. But then I guess I'd have to be dead before they could tell me that. I sure don't want them pickin' at my brain while I'm alive. I don't have that much to start with and can't afford to lose much more.

Those damn STD's are a real bitch. But the ones I had were curable. I heard some aren't. But it's probably pretty hard to treat a CTE besides wrapping a bandage around your head, telling you to take a couple aspirins a day and to call the doc for a follow-up appointment if the pain persists.

I'm glad I've never had a CTE. But then I don't go around banging my head against other human heads either. So I guess it makes sense.

When I play football I prefer touch football (but not in a sexual way). :D

Rugby League and Rugby Union players in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa already think American Football players are a bunch of "puffs" because they wear pads. You don't hear Rugby Players complaining about not having a full set of teeth much less being depressed about not having a full set of teeth. Yep only in American, here come the lawsuits.

What about coal miners and people who work in the fishing industry who have really high risk jobs? I don't think you would hear those folks complaining if they made millions.

Rugby League and Rugby Union players in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa already think American Football players are a bunch of "puffs" because they wear pads. You don't hear Rugby Players complaining about not having a full set of teeth much less being depressed about not having a full set of teeth. Yep only in American, here come the lawsuits.

What about coal miners and people who work in the fishing industry who have really high risk jobs? I don't think you would hear those folks complaining if they made millions.

You're 100% correct, BamaBoy.

NFL players are turning into pussies. It's laughable. Big rich pussies. If they can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen. Shit, for $5M a year I'll suit up and go out there and put my ass on the line even at my age. America is turning into a nation of whiners. Everybody feels abused and victimized about something. Only the fucking lawyers win. It's pathetic. If I wasn't so damn old I'd think about expatriating.