Post layoff advice

this is probably not the place to ask for advice, but I will anyway. My first job in pharma has been with Novartis, always with CV. It has been 5 years, and I want to get out so badly. I was retained which I am very grateful for, but I still think it’s time to go. I am just having a hard time leaving because of the salary, perks, etc. (golden handcuffs). I’m also having an issue getting responses to applications, especially to other industries. It seems no one really thinks of us as sales reps, and it’s really hard to sell an area goal in an interview when talking about Leqvio. Not to mention Leqvio has never done well for our team, so when asked about rankings/goaling the numbers never look good. I know I’m a good salesperson, I know I have good experience. I just don’t know how to accurately put that on a resume, and then sell it to other industries. Some have told me just lie, some said just be honest about Leqvio being a dog. Then, anyone who I have interviewed with either said they don’t see pharma as true sales experience (especially device companies) or they’ll offer a job with a base of 40k. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just can’t do this forever, I really want to get out. Thanks in advance
Agree with a lot of what you are saying. Hate Novartis but I'm comfortable with the paycheck. Hard to leave pharma because outside of Tech Sales and Device Sales, nothing else pays at the same level. We are just a number to Novartis. I am done busting my ass. I no longer have any loyalty to this company because their actions show they don't care about us. I will ride the wave until Pelacarsen and Factor 11 come out. Both are going to be challenges to sell and will be failed launches just like Leqvio.

Not a rep but I 100% agr


Not a rep but I 100% agree. What is going on in this company is NOT normal. Personally experienced 5 reorganizations in 3 years and 7 different managers. Does anyone at Novartis have a plan or is it just one big bad experiment?
Sorry for everyone impacted.
We are all just a number. Horrible work environment but what keeps most here is the paycheck.

If you’re a good salesperson and you very well may be…consider this notion: you need to sell your area goal. So the only way YOU could have made money with leqvio would be to be working with your entire team (Adar (most),ISS, tas counter maybe arm, maybe internal Novartis resources such as licensing and contracts. The ISS should have opened pathways for you and your counterparts to make sure demand was built and therefore processes in place for your customers to send. If they didn’t you neeeded to have good aics in your territory. So in interviews you need to be able to articulate how you worked cross functionally and all that you learned. An area goal could be positioned to be an even more impressive sale demonstration rather then selling a drug clinically and hitting numbers. Generally speaking and I’ve been in this 15 years…this was a true presidents club if you worked your territory currently for 2 years plus. All hands on deck and if you felt success everyone on your team had a part in it. If you say all that in a job interview effectively, that is a sales person
This is not even remotely coherent.
"If you felt success everyone on your team had a part in it". Complete nonsense.
You could have been wildly successful but never made any money because your district mates couldn't hold up their end. It happened over and over, quarter after quarter.
"If they didn't you needed to have good AIC's in your area".
What if you didn't? Furthermore, if you are relying on ASOC's, how did the FRM team help you out? Or the ISS team? What do they have to do with you winning an account and having them send patients out?
"This was a true presidents club if you worked your (sic) current territory for two years plus".
Explain the vacant territories that won. And win every year. Explain the rep who works three hours a week and rides coattails because the established systems allows for it. Explain the rep who accounted for 50% of their districts' volume and never got a thing for it?
The good news is nothing you have said here is accurate, and legitimate companies cannot believe what an embarrassment Novartis C.V. has been. Nobody will hold it against you, because it is common knowledge that Leqvio has been a catastrophic failure, from the top-down, and that the reps were fighting, from day one, with one hand tied behind their backs.

Any knowledge out there as to if there is any opportunity for legal actions with this layoff? Reps couldn’t apply for ISS role if no hospital experience>ISS displaced and not given opportunity for TAS role>TAS role changed and now calling on hospitals-TAS now has to go through Credentialing? Class action lawsuit?
And as a side note. Anyone seen any numbers to the amount of people cut? Seems like more than 30%.

Agree with a lot of what you are saying. Hate Novartis but I'm comfortable with the paycheck. Hard to leave pharma because outside of Tech Sales and Device Sales, nothing else pays at the same level. We are just a number to Novartis. I am done busting my ass. I no longer have any loyalty to this company because their actions show they don't care about us. I will ride the wave until Pelacarsen and Factor 11 come out. Both are going to be challenges to sell and will be failed launches just like Leqvio.
My advice to anyone left standing: When your manager tries to pressure you for more and more and more because of “accountability,” remind them about the high achievers who were just let go and the people who haven‘t produced a damn thing who were kept.
Of course, a lot of great reps were kept as well, but I know of a lot who were kept who haven’t sold much at all.
Take the money and coast. Don’t do any overnights you don’t have to, don’t miss one single occasion of your personal life, and most of all, do not suffer fools.

Novartis could have used this layoff as an opportunity for ISS as well as outstanding Tas who have completed the ISS training to interview for the new account manager role allowing the most CAPABLE person to gain the role. Unfortunately in my area we have a useless, ISS who has accomplished little to nothing, and is a complete embarrassment, hoping who ever is his new boss catches on quickly,

My advice to anyone left standing: When your manager tries to pressure you for more and more and more because of “accountability,” remind them about the high achievers who were just let go and the people who haven‘t produced a damn thing who were kept.
Of course, a lot of great reps were kept as well, but I know of a lot who were kept who haven’t sold much at all.
Take the money and coast. Don’t do any overnights you don’t have to, don’t miss one single occasion of your personal life, and most of all, do not suffer fools.
If they wanted accountability you wouldn't have two teams selling Leqvio.
The layoffs were massive and cruel, but you don't build accountability by having two people work one job.
An organization that has been on a CIA as long as Novartis has doesn't know a thing about accountability.
As long as you can tell your ABL "that's my partners fault" you are not accountable for anything.

Novartis is the worst of the worst. People become disposable at the blink of an eye. No one is valued. Talent and effort are not recognized. Ongoing reorganizations are draining energy and morale. It’s a mental torture to work here as job security does not exist. It’s never getting better. If you can, leave. Leave!
You think Novartis is bad?? Go try Abbvie.

If they wanted accountability you wouldn't have two teams selling Leqvio.
The layoffs were massive and cruel, but you don't build accountability by having two people work one job.
An organization that has been on a CIA as long as Novartis has doesn't know a thing about accountability.
As long as you can tell your ABL "that's my partners fault" you are not accountable for anything.
Agree wholeheartedly. That’s how real buy and bill works. Everyone gets their own territory, those who aren’t producing volume get replaced. At Novartis, no cares given about volume or who is producing, just shuffle the teams, irritate the customers.

There’s no accountability anywhere. Reps should get the chance interview for the territories they want before they are placed. Not everyone is going to get what they want but it would be a lot less contentious. I know so many people that would have been content with a severance and many people who wanted to stay in any territory.
I’m shocked by what seen in my region. I think everyone is in for a rough few years.its time for leqvio accountability. No more smoke and mirrors & we need to start calling people out on taking credit for others accomplishments.

There’s no accountability anywhere. Reps should get the chance interview for the territories they want before they are placed. Not everyone is going to get what they want but it would be a lot less contentious. I know so many people that would have been content with a severance and many people who wanted to stay in any territory.
I’m shocked by what seen in my region. I think everyone is in for a rough few years.its time for leqvio accountability. No more smoke and mirrors & we need to start calling people out on taking credit for others accomplishments.
WTF why would anyone want to remain working at this big Pharma shit show? Go on take your money and run! Bad is bad.

There’s no accountability anywhere. Reps should get the chance interview for the territories they want before they are placed. Not everyone is going to get what they want but it would be a lot less contentious. I know so many people that would have been content with a severance and many people who wanted to stay in any territory.
I’m shocked by what seen in my region. I think everyone is in for a rough few years.its time for leqvio accountability. No more smoke and mirrors & we need to start calling people out on taking credit for others accomplishments.
"It's time for Leqvio accountability".
Is that so?
March 2025 & it is time for leqvio accountability?
That time wasn't:
After they outbid themselves by $3B dollars; after they had a one year "production" delay; after they hired/fired a systems account team in 18 months; after they engaged in grotesque payola with a 2-for-1 sample scam; after they had teams not receive a bonus check for twelve months; after they mercifully dragged Dwayne away from the captain chair, only to keep him with the organization; or after an ugly, obscene bloodletting that shouldn't have happened because half of those people should not have even been here.
None of those were the right time for accountability?
I see.
It is perverse, insane logic like "it's time for leqvio accountability" that keeps the madness in place.
4.5 years after the original launch date, and there are people saying that now is the time.
After the horse has left the barn and is in a glue factory.

"It's time for Leqvio accountability".
Is that so?
March 2025 & it is time for leqvio accountability?
That time wasn't:
After they outbid themselves by $3B dollars; after they had a one year "production" delay; after they hired/fired a systems account team in 18 months; after they engaged in grotesque payola with a 2-for-1 sample scam; after they had teams not receive a bonus check for twelve months; after they mercifully dragged Dwayne away from the captain chair, only to keep him with the organization; or after an ugly, obscene bloodletting that shouldn't have happened because half of those people should not have even been here.
None of those were the right time for accountability?
I see.
It is perverse, insane logic like "it's time for leqvio accountability" that keeps the madness in place.
4.5 years after the original launch date, and there are people saying that now is the time.
After the horse has left the barn and is in a glue factory.
Accountability sure isn’t doing a random draw when you let people go, resulting in so many top performers being displaced and many non performers staying. I’ve bought into the “accountability” talk since launch and all my accounts are now being handed over to people who didn’t feel the same accountability.

"It's time for Leqvio accountability".
Is that so?
March 2025 & it is time for leqvio accountability?
That time wasn't:
After they outbid themselves by $3B dollars; after they had a one year "production" delay; after they hired/fired a systems account team in 18 months; after they engaged in grotesque payola with a 2-for-1 sample scam; after they had teams not receive a bonus check for twelve months; after they mercifully dragged Dwayne away from the captain chair, only to keep him with the organization; or after an ugly, obscene bloodletting that shouldn't have happened because half of those people should not have even been here.
None of those were the right time for accountability?
I see.
It is perverse, insane logic like "it's time for leqvio accountability" that keeps the madness in place.
4.5 years after the original launch date, and there are people saying that now is the time.
After the horse has left the barn and is in a glue factory.
This is not untrue!

Accountability sure isn’t doing a random draw when you let people go, resulting in so many top performers being displaced and many non performers staying. I’ve bought into the “accountability” talk since launch and all my accounts are now being handed over to people who didn’t feel the same accountability.

Accountability sure isn’t doing a random draw when you let people go, resulting in so many top performers being displaced and many non performers staying. I’ve bought into the “accountability” talk since launch and all my accounts are now being handed over to people who didn’t feel the same accountability.
stay, we need lots more dolts who can produce fake calls and drop of donut munchkins

I was not a happy camper when I was let go, but this is one of my first layoffs where the people who were retained seem more shellshocked. After the fog of the layoff lifted, I now realize that things have not changed overnight for Leqvio. Man, why did they make this drug HCP administered?