Post layoff advice


Now that you have laid off so many, Novartis please do not expand CV again. In many areas there is still much overlap. If you feel the need to restructure, consider having full accountability and accounts assigned to a single representative instead of two representatives with the same product. Example assign half the accounts to CVa and half to CVB in each territory, HCPs want one person to interact with, not multiple with the same information

Post Layoff Advice. Never put your faith or maximum effort into any pharmaceutical sales job. It’s not with it. Reserve your best efforts in favor of things that truly matter.

If you are under 60 leave pharma this industry is over. You will be looking for a new job every 2-4 years. Look around it's not just Novartis. Every company does this. They hire you for a launch then after it's established or failed half are fired.

Agree with above, but not OP. Depends on where you are. In some areas, they combined huge geographical and Leqvio volume territories with others to the point there’s no way two reps can cover it and others are tiny with very little volume for two reps. I’m so disappointed for the people in my accounts who trusted my partner and I to provide seamless customer service and now have to break in a new rep who won’t have as much time for them.
I don’t think my heart is in buy and bill again. It’s too hard to let go of the accounts you built, especially when achievement counts for nothing. Maybe I’ll just do pharma again and cruise along.

Now that you have laid off so many, Novartis please do not expand CV again. In many areas there is still much overlap. If you feel the need to restructure, consider having full accountability and accounts assigned to a single representative instead of two representatives with the same product. Example assign half the accounts to CVa and half to CVB in each territory, HCPs want one person to interact with, not multiple with the same information
It is factually inaccurate to suggest that every company operates this way.
It would be embarrassing to admit how long I have been doing this, and I have never seen anything close to this dysfunctional.
The best, and only, advice you should be giving is: look at the smoldering ruins you are currently standing in.
If this wreckage is not enough to compel you to leave of your own accord, you really are hopeless.
Chronically unperforming product. Senior management that seemingly has lifetime contracts, because no amount of failure or embarrassment can get them out. Shitty bonuses, when you actually make any money at all. Relentlessly blaming the actual revenue generators for the endless mistakes and organizational failures. A mass layoff that showed zero discretion for talent, performance or aptitude.
Get out. It is never getting better. You have to realize that. Leave it behind. You don't owe these awful fuckers a thing. Every company has health benefits. Most companies pay better. Do it for yourself.

It is factually inaccurate to suggest that every company operates this way.
It would be embarrassing to admit how long I have been doing this, and I have never seen anything close to this dysfunctional.
The best, and only, advice you should be giving is: look at the smoldering ruins you are currently standing in.
If this wreckage is not enough to compel you to leave of your own accord, you really are hopeless.
Chronically unperforming product. Senior management that seemingly has lifetime contracts, because no amount of failure or embarrassment can get them out. Shitty bonuses, when you actually make any money at all. Relentlessly blaming the actual revenue generators for the endless mistakes and organizational failures. A mass layoff that showed zero discretion for talent, performance or aptitude.
Get out. It is never getting better. You have to realize that. Leave it behind. You don't owe these awful fuckers a thing. Every company has health benefits. Most companies pay better. Do it for yourself.
Dude you are not paying attention. Biogen,Sanofi,Amgen and Pfizer are all doing what Novartis is doing. Novartis just may be the worst. Unless you are desperate for a job. Nobody should work here.

It is factually inaccurate to suggest that every company operates this way.
It would be embarrassing to admit how long I have been doing this, and I have never seen anything close to this dysfunctional.
The best, and only, advice you should be giving is: look at the smoldering ruins you are currently standing in.
If this wreckage is not enough to compel you to leave of your own accord, you really are hopeless.
Chronically unperforming product. Senior management that seemingly has lifetime contracts, because no amount of failure or embarrassment can get them out. Shitty bonuses, when you actually make any money at all. Relentlessly blaming the actual revenue generators for the endless mistakes and organizational failures. A mass layoff that showed zero discretion for talent, performance or aptitude.
Get out. It is never getting better. You have to realize that. Leave it behind. You don't owe these awful fuckers a thing. Every company has health benefits. Most companies pay better. Do it for yourself.
Novartis is the worst of the worst. People become disposable at the blink of an eye. No one is valued. Talent and effort are not recognized. Ongoing reorganizations are draining energy and morale. It’s a mental torture to work here as job security does not exist. It’s never getting better. If you can, leave. Leave!

3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.

3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.
Yep! I am one of the reps who could not post for an ISS position because I had not taken the ISS training, and it appears now everyone can call on hospitals. Make it make sense Novartis. and hopefully someone from leadership does read these posts because they are truthful and describe everything that is wrong here

3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.
Great post and SPOT ON! The management here is a cross between a Benny Hill scene and a dozen monkeys trying to fornicate with a greased football. If it wasn’t so sad and crushing to so many people, you’d think it was a script to a Will Farrell slapstick corporate comedy.

Agree with above, but not OP. Depends on where you are. In some areas, they combined huge geographical and Leqvio volume territories with others to the point there’s no way two reps can cover it and others are tiny with very little volume for two reps. I’m so disappointed for the people in my accounts who trusted my partner and I to provide seamless customer service and now have to break in a new rep who won’t have as much time for them.
I don’t think my heart is in buy and bill again. It’s too hard to let go of the accounts you built, especially when achievement counts for nothing. Maybe I’ll just do pharma again and cruise along.
who cares?

3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.
Your rant is warranted. I want to know what business parameters were used for this layoff. Are they trying to save a buck? A lot of newer, probably less expensive people were kept vs high performers. This is a huge knowledge drain. This company now expects people with very little experience to go in and work hospitals? No week long upskilling is going to replace the knowledge base this company just canned. IAnd clearly performance held no weight in the decisions so why bother to bust your a**. Before anyone piles on me to just call me disgruntled, I was retained but just calling out the mess as I see it. For a sakes organization that claims to value performance, just gave us all the big fu

Yep! I am one of the reps who could not post for an ISS position because I had not taken the ISS training, and it appears now everyone can call on hospitals. Make it make sense Novartis. and hopefully someone from leadership does read these posts because they are truthful and describe everything that is wrong her
Yep! I am one of the reps who could not post for an ISS position because I had not taken the ISS training, and it appears now everyone can call on hospitals. Make it make sense Novartis. and hopefully someone from leadership does read these posts because they are truthful and describe everything that is wrong here
Due to building one of the top territories, I was able to do the training and was promoted to ISS. Some promotion. Now I get to hand all those accounts over to people who didn’t do that. Success means nothing at Novartis.

Not a rep but I 100% agr
3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.
3 restructures in 5 years is not industry standard. Hiring a primary sales group for a disease that is not treated in primary care is not industry standard. In fact, it was actually dangerous and unethical to push pcps to treat hF patients who should be treated CDs. Anymore remember the 5 year / 50 mortality for heart at launch? I specifically remember throwing away marketing pieces from launch that said “don’t wait for cardiologist to treat hf” wtf Who in legal signed off on that?
Why were there no whistle blowers?
What gross group of leaders we’ve endured.
Doubling down on the stupid decision to hire morexpeople in bloated division is not industry standard. Laying off people less than 2 years after a hiring spree is not industry standard. That is Novartis leadership’s arrogance and disregard for employees and customers.
I have never been so ashamed to work for this company. I’m still in semi shock about dumb Diane’s self preserving speech about listening to us so they can reorganize to be the right size. Bitch, please. And who came up with that teams shit? If you are going to do lay off in mass just send out a f’ing spreadsheet. Why is the process so drawn out? can someone explain to me why I have a new partner with zero experience who will now being doing hospital sales? Did anyone else have to take a damn rep to ISS class to even be considered for hospital? Even if you had years of hospital experience at your previous company? Seriously? These vps, directors, nj jerk offs take themselves soooo seriously but they are jokes. And I doubt anyone outside of pissed sales reads this board, but I hope someone sends them a screenshot of some of the rants. Im sure there will be rah rah regional meetings soon and I hope they feel the discomfort of an entire room of people who think they are empty suits, or kilts or dresses depending on the ahole in question. The jig is folks after a year culture tours and all the other phony crap- we see you. You tricked us there for a bit but we see you now.
A couple of real truths for these GD idiots-these next 2 years the stage for pelacarson & the factor 11. Can this company afford another leqvio disaster? this division is a sinking ship with no lifeboats and a bunch window licking abls coaching you on the doggy paddle.
I’ll go ahead and fuck off now.
Not a rep but I 100% agree. What is going on in this company is NOT normal. Personally experienced 5 reorganizations in 3 years and 7 different managers. Does anyone at Novartis have a plan or is it just one big bad experiment?
Sorry for everyone impacted.

this is probably not the place to ask for advice, but I will anyway. My first job in pharma has been with Novartis, always with CV. It has been 5 years, and I want to get out so badly. I was retained which I am very grateful for, but I still think it’s time to go. I am just having a hard time leaving because of the salary, perks, etc. (golden handcuffs). I’m also having an issue getting responses to applications, especially to other industries. It seems no one really thinks of us as sales reps, and it’s really hard to sell an area goal in an interview when talking about Leqvio. Not to mention Leqvio has never done well for our team, so when asked about rankings/goaling the numbers never look good. I know I’m a good salesperson, I know I have good experience. I just don’t know how to accurately put that on a resume, and then sell it to other industries. Some have told me just lie, some said just be honest about Leqvio being a dog. Then, anyone who I have interviewed with either said they don’t see pharma as true sales experience (especially device companies) or they’ll offer a job with a base of 40k. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just can’t do this forever, I really want to get out. Thanks in advance

We need to inform any person that wants a job. DO NOT COME TO NOVARTIS. I am so sick of seeing this shit every 2-3 years. I was laid off 2 times but was lucky to find a job here. I hate this company.

this is probably not the place to ask for advice, but I will anyway. My first job in pharma has been with Novartis, always with CV. It has been 5 years, and I want to get out so badly. I was retained which I am very grateful for, but I still think it’s time to go. I am just having a hard time leaving because of the salary, perks, etc. (golden handcuffs). I’m also having an issue getting responses to applications, especially to other industries. It seems no one really thinks of us as sales reps, and it’s really hard to sell an area goal in an interview when talking about Leqvio. Not to mention Leqvio has never done well for our team, so when asked about rankings/goaling the numbers never look good. I know I’m a good salesperson, I know I have good experience. I just don’t know how to accurately put that on a resume, and then sell it to other industries. Some have told me just lie, some said just be honest about Leqvio being a dog. Then, anyone who I have interviewed with either said they don’t see pharma as true sales experience (especially device companies) or they’ll offer a job with a base of 40k. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just can’t do this forever, I really want to get out. Thanks in advance
Don’t bother attempting to jump to device yet. Go for other pharma jobs. Emphasize specific trainings, territory, relationships, and highlight any achievements within your accounts. At interviews, spin how thankful you are to Novartis for training you and allowing you to become a great salesperson and tell them you’re ready for a great drug.

this is probably not the place to ask for advice, but I will anyway. My first job in pharma has been with Novartis, always with CV. It has been 5 years, and I want to get out so badly. I was retained which I am very grateful for, but I still think it’s time to go. I am just having a hard time leaving because of the salary, perks, etc. (golden handcuffs). I’m also having an issue getting responses to applications, especially to other industries. It seems no one really thinks of us as sales reps, and it’s really hard to sell an area goal in an interview when talking about Leqvio. Not to mention Leqvio has never done well for our team, so when asked about rankings/goaling the numbers never look good. I know I’m a good salesperson, I know I have good experience. I just don’t know how to accurately put that on a resume, and then sell it to other industries. Some have told me just lie, some said just be honest about Leqvio being a dog. Then, anyone who I have interviewed with either said they don’t see pharma as true sales experience (especially device companies) or they’ll offer a job with a base of 40k. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just can’t do this forever, I really want to get out. Thanks in advance
If you’re a good salesperson and you very well may be…consider this notion: you need to sell your area goal. So the only way YOU could have made money with leqvio would be to be working with your entire team (Adar (most),ISS, tas counter maybe arm, maybe internal Novartis resources such as licensing and contracts. The ISS should have opened pathways for you and your counterparts to make sure demand was built and therefore processes in place for your customers to send. If they didn’t you neeeded to have good aics in your territory. So in interviews you need to be able to articulate how you worked cross functionally and all that you learned. An area goal could be positioned to be an even more impressive sale demonstration rather then selling a drug clinically and hitting numbers. Generally speaking and I’ve been in this 15 years…this was a true presidents club if you worked your territory currently for 2 years plus. All hands on deck and if you felt success everyone on your team had a part in it. If you say all that in a job interview effectively, that is a sales person