Possible additional income opportunities inquiry


Would there be a conflict of interest for a pharmaceutical rep to offer an additional service to physicians?
Hypothetically speaking, if there was a service that would benefit physicians’ practice and many doctors would be interested in it, would it be OK for a rep to sell that service while also working for a pharmaceutical company?
Sort of like a side gig with an excellent income potential.
What do you think?

  • Wonka   Sep 12, 2008 at 11:06: PM
Would there be a conflict of interest for a pharmaceutical rep to offer an additional service to physicians?
Hypothetically speaking, if there was a service that would benefit physicians’ practice and many doctors would be interested in it, would it be OK for a rep to sell that service while also working for a pharmaceutical company?
Sort of like a side gig with an excellent income potential.
What do you think?

Yes, but a lot of reps do it. I know a guy selling EMR software while selling pharma.

Interesting, I have been in pharma for 7 years and have never seen a rep selling another service to the clinics. I have often thought of trying to sell disposables to the indepenant clinics. I mean I have been in a display waiting for doctors and a staff member opens up a case of gloves and walks all around the clinic dropping boxes off to every room. What if I could find gloves cheaper for the clinic? Bandaids, Kleenex boxes, tongue dispensors, gauze pads etc? Has anyone thought of this? I know there are huge companies already selling disposables, but what if the small clinics that do not have high margins and cannot buy in volume could benefit from my cheaper prices than the big boys? Just a thought.

Most hospitals/clinics buy through a purchasing group, so they get pretty good pricing already. They also want one-stop shopping, so going through a catalog and picking out what they need and knowing they're going to get it next day is paramount to them.

Dealing with purchasing agents in hospitals/clinics is a nightmare.

Hi Stupid Bitch,

Yes it is a conflict of interest because when you are representing your pharma company you are on their time. You cannot be selling other shit on their time. Go sell Tupperware to your other bitch friends to make extra money. Maybe some of that Avon crap.

Hi Stupid Bitch,

Yes it is a conflict of interest because when you are representing your pharma company you are on their time. You cannot be selling other shit on their time. Go sell Tupperware to your other bitch friends to make extra money. Maybe some of that Avon crap.


How about I sell you a personality?


The Double Dipper

No wonder pharma reps have such a poor reputation and are treated with disrespect by so many in the medical profession. With comments like these you should all be seling used cars.

Act your age.

Actually, the reason pharma reps have a bad reputation is because stupid cows like you are so clueless that you actually think it would be professional to ask your client to buy some rubber gloves at pennies on the dollar after you detail them while on the clock for your pharma company. Get a clue bitch, you should go sell some Hyundais yourself.

Not really a good comeback and I am not the one coming here like a retardo asking if it is "ok" to sell shit to my docs while on my company's timeclock. Now go sell some Pampered Chef, fat bitch.

Mr. Personality, OK so I agree it's not OK to sell shit to my docs while on "my company's timeclock."

Mr. Personality, is it OK to SHIT while I am on "my company's timeclock?"

I wouldn't want to push the envelope out my ass with regards to "my company's timeclock"


The Double Dipper

Go sell those gloves now dumb bitch. Maybe you can become a distributor for one of those magical juices, too. Ask your docs if you can sell mangosteen juice to their patients right after you detail them. Dumb bitch!

Go sell those gloves now dumb bitch. Maybe you can become a distributor for one of those magical juices, too. Ask your docs if you can sell mangosteen juice to their patients right after you detail them. Dumb bitch!

Mr Personality, I like you, your a fighting man.

Not selling "mangosteen" ..... I'm selling a new testosterone drink called Colossus


It'll make you feel like a real man again. No mango mango for my docs..


Good come back


The Double Dipper

Maybe people will take you more seriously when you
1. Stop asking stupid questions about what is and is not appropriate professional behavior;
2. When you actually get a job that allows you to live a good life without having to find a freaking 2nd job;
3. When you learn the difference between "your" and "you're".

Maybe people will take you more seriously when you
1. Stop asking stupid questions about what is and is not appropriate professional behavior;
2. When you actually get a job that allows you to live a good life without having to find a freaking 2nd job;
3. When you learn the difference between "your" and "you're".

I still like you Mr Personality, your a fighting man

Your not a looser like most on this board


The Double Dipper

Hmm, didn’t mean to cause such a commotion and the discussion to go in that direction…
Maybe I should reformulate the question.
If there was an excellent additional income opportunity to sell a helpful service to physicians, would most people do it?

Interesting, I have been in pharma for 7 years and have never seen a rep selling another service to the clinics. I have often thought of trying to sell disposables to the indepenant clinics. I mean I have been in a display waiting for doctors and a staff member opens up a case of gloves and walks all around the clinic dropping boxes off to every room. What if I could find gloves cheaper for the clinic? Bandaids, Kleenex boxes, tongue dispensors, gauze pads etc? Has anyone thought of this? I know there are huge companies already selling disposables, but what if the small clinics that do not have high margins and cannot buy in volume could benefit from my cheaper prices than the big boys? Just a thought.

WTF is a tongue dispensor?

Hmm, didn’t mean to cause such a commotion and the discussion to go in that direction…
Maybe I should reformulate the question.
If there was an excellent additional income opportunity to sell a helpful service to physicians, would most people do it?

Hi again Stupid Bitch:

ONCE AGAIN you cannot sell to your docs anything other than what your primary company has you selling. If you are going to do something on the side you better make sure you are selling to another class of physician, NOT to your current docs. Why are you so stupid that you don't know this? Do you not think it is going to get back to your employer that you are selling something on the side to your docs on company time? It is unprofessional and FUCKING stupid. Not to mention grounds for termination.

You know what I think? I think you are a stupid fuck here trolling because you are an employee of a company who is thinking of recruiting current reps to sell your products on the side. I have been around a long time and I know your type. Some bottom feeder company who can't afford to pay for your own sales force so you leach on to pharma reps like a parasite and tempt them to sell your products or services "on the side" as additional income opportunity not realizing that you are putting the pharma rep at risk of losing their primary livlihood if they get caught.

Get off these boards bottom feeder. Go sew or make some babies, beeeatch!

Seriously, any answers/discussions from any intelligent life forms are very welcomed.

And for the obnoxious troll only one comment. Get a life, sorry, I don’t have time for your nonsense.