Possibility of rollover??


What do you think our chances of getting rolled over to another sales force will be? It appears our suitors are established pharma companies, but may need some of us on their force, even if just for a few months. Has anyone else been in a situation like this before?

the new company wants sales people.....not yes people that are good at getting signatures and kissing Joel F. and the brain dead so called leaders asses of Graceland!!

DUDE, do yourself a favor and drop that dream of a rollover. You will be left out in the cold. Please interview for any sales job, or for that matter any job. The economy sucks and I don't want any GW people sitting on the sidelines when the lights are turned off saying "I should have interviewed" Polish your brag book and interview now and interview often, as it is easier to land a job when you have a job.