Positions Filled per State


Could anyone please share what positions have already been filled per state?

I know everyone has their company complaints but I've been laid-off for quite some time and really need a job.

Thanks & Best Regards.

"EXPANSION"?? Is that what they told you in the interview? Ha.
They are continually interviewing throughout the country, in order to have new blood in reserve to replace the next exiting rep.
"Expansion"?? Don't fool yourself.

Very true!!! If the position isn't listed on the website, they already have someone lined up for those territories. What expansion could there possibly be with nothing to sell and people aware of how companies like this are getting rich off insurance paying ridiculous prices for a generic drug dressed up as a rebate . . . This company "expands" every few months - lol!

it's nothing more than a desparate attempt to keep the stock value in place. If everyone thinks there is an expansion, people will go running to buy the stock. Fools. There has been an advertised "expansion" for the past 5-6 years.