Position turnover


I've been watching job listings for a couple years and I saw that there is an open position in Harrisburg, PA. It seems that this position is open a lot. I think that this is the 3rd time in the last 2 yrs. Does anyone know why? Is there a problem with the manager? managed care? the company? the products?
Is there a lot of turnover in other territories too?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes...

Products are not covered and there has currently been a 20+% turn over in field sales. Company just reduced the number of field positions for the secind time in 2 years, that says everything.

they just redrew the district maps - the current DM is newly promoted from the field. The jury is out as to whether or not he'll be a good manager...but he's definitely better than the previous manager who is truly the WORST DM in the company. It is a tough market but the last rep seemed to be doing well there - she was too smart to stay working for the DM she had.