Position in Midwest - NEED HELP!


Recently got contacted for KC position - derm side, not aesthetics. Some questions . . .

Some posts say it's contract, corporate recruiter gives the impression it's permanent. What is it?

Who is the manager and what's the real story?

Is it true there is nothing in the pipeline and everything is going to implode in late 2011 once Solodyn goes generic?

Also, is 60-70K in annual bonus realistic?

How paid? Quarterly? Monthly?

Any other accurate info would be appreciated.


I don't know any of the answers to your questions. But I know about the posting...I interviewed for it. I can tell you, unless you have to have a job immediately, run. The manager struck me as the stalker type. Further, the interview process will be about the managers opinion of of themself, not about your skills. Met the manager and in 5 minutes I knew I didn't want to work for this person. I'm not just saying this because they didn't want me, I didn't want them just as bad. I don't think even if they would have offered me the job I would have taken it. The manager struck me as the type that would just fly in on night and do one of three things the following morning:

1.) Call you and tell you they are riding with you for the next 2 days...which is fine but a little distasteful.

2.) Call you and say they want to meet you at whatever Paners is close to the expensive hotel they've chosen for themselves and "do an all day business review".

3.) Finally and most likely, not even tell you they're here and drive around and call on your customers without your knowledge or worse, try to find you in the city and follow you around to see what you do.

This person will tell you they're not like that...but they are. I didn't need a job at the time, but even if I did, I wouldn't have taken this one. The company has a bad enough reputation in the industry by itself, then throw this cat in to the mix and it's an explosion waiting to happen.

For such a small and well paid sales force, why is there always a constant flow of numerous job openings with Medicis? I don't think I've seen so many openings on the cafepharma threads of other derm companies. Simply do not recall it.

For such a small and well paid sales force, why is there always a constant flow of numerous job openings with Medicis? I don't think I've seen so many openings on the cafepharma threads of other derm companies. Simply do not recall it.

inquire as to the number of lawsuits filed against it. It's like walking into a gas chamber...ironic isn't it...the anaolgy and the owner?

These same inane questions come up constantly on the Medicis cafepharma threads, and have been answered hundreds of times. Geezz.. A little bit of searching around and your repetitive questions will be answered. Do a little homework by simply exploring the threads on this site and you will have the answer, Mr Lazybutt.

To answer your questions:

- Most positions are filled via contract with the option to come on board through Medicis if your numbers/rankings are there after 9-18 months.

- Bonuses are paid quarterly, potential is high, but I'd like to know what the average rep makes in bonus?

- Not sure if there are any new derm products lined up for 2011/2012, but I would bet they are working on something...

You can make okay bonus if in the top 50% of ranked performers. At 10% ranking or above you can make much more than 60K. Bonuses are usually set quotas that must be met or exceeded based on specific numbers of scripts or grams, or based on percentage growth, or a combination of the two. Bonuses are decided and set each quarter, not annually, so you could be a top performer one quarter, and a low ranker the next. Two quarters in a row of poor performance will usually get you on a PIP, which is very hard to pull out of at Medicis, unless you quickly crank the numbers upward.
Companies with strong pipelines tout their bright futures. If you can not find specific information about a pipeline for Medicis, then there simply is not one. A company so beholden to stock holders and stock prices, in my opinion, would be broadcasting exciting news about a solid pipeline securing the future of the company. It simply is not the case here. Now, the aesthetic side might be a different story, but that won't help you on the medical side.
One thing is for certain, Medicis will test you like nothing you have been through in the past.

Completely agree w/ this post. Met w/ this mgr too and to affix the label of "douchebag" To him would be an insult to DOUCHEBAGS!

Borrowing a quote from WALL STREET, "not only would he sell his mother, he'd send her C.O.D."

I don't know any of the answers to your questions. But I know about the posting...I interviewed for it. I can tell you, unless you have to have a job immediately, run. The manager struck me as the stalker type. Further, the interview process will be about the managers opinion of of themself, not about your skills. Met the manager and in 5 minutes I knew I didn't want to work for this person. I'm not just saying this because they didn't want me, I didn't want them just as bad. I don't think even if they would have offered me the job I would have taken it. The manager struck me as the type that would just fly in on night and do one of three things the following morning:

1.) Call you and tell you they are riding with you for the next 2 days...which is fine but a little distasteful.

2.) Call you and say they want to meet you at whatever Paners is close to the expensive hotel they've chosen for themselves and "do an all day business review".

3.) Finally and most likely, not even tell you they're here and drive around and call on your customers without your knowledge or worse, try to find you in the city and follow you around to see what you do.

This person will tell you they're not like that...but they are. I didn't need a job at the time, but even if I did, I wouldn't have taken this one. The company has a bad enough reputation in the industry by itself, then throw this cat in to the mix and it's an explosion waiting to happen.